****Fresh random image thread (with rule addition)Every post MUST contain an image!****

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that's mad the building work done in 20 years
Am I doing this right??

This mini project on costs reduction via building a barebones to insert into the machine units at work will save the company approx £3000~ per unit being serviced.

I am on my way to getting a pay rise next year TBH :p

And yes, my monitor is sitting on 2 3.5" hard drives *badass*.

Why not just use a Thin Client?

Why not just use a Thin Client?

These are mail sort machines the PCs go into, they run solely on DOS (some newer ones run on a custom version of "kLinux" (our own version of uBuntu of sorts :p). This one is just a test beacuse the innards of the ones being replaced are so old they sport ISA slots and it's unknown if the mail sort machines will handle USB serial adapters so I've been given a little project to take on.

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Great film! :D

Not as good as.. ..though. :p

Lets build a snowman!


Khaaan! said:
These are mail sort machines the PCs go into, they run solely on DOS (some newer ones run on a custom version of "kLinux" (our own version of uBuntu of sorts ). This one is just a test beacuse the innards of the ones being replaced are so old they sport ISA slots and it's unknown if the mail sort machines will handle USB serial adapters so I've been given a little project to take on.

In my experience a lot of these USB adaptors don't fully implement everything, and are just good enough to make most stuff work. The more esoteric your hardware (especially industrial hardware), the more likely you are to run into problems.

FTDI make the best USB/serial chips I find. Prolific make the worst.

You can still get motherboards with built in serial. My Asus board (see sig) has one, and it's probably even easier to find Mini ITX sized board with them.
Yes this mobo I picked out and ordered has a serial but the thing is our mail sort machines require 2 serial ports, 1 to drive the touchscreen/keyboard interface and the 2nd to loop via an addon card that connects to the touchscreen display!

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