Friday night head scratcher help :(

Afaik its on the latest bios, I will have a look through the update changelogs to see though.

Should it come to it scott, would it be too much of a pain to send the motherboard with the chip so you could try both out :)

Edti: has been two bios updates since release, one lets you use a USB mouse the other adds 'CPU stability'.
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Leaving the cmos out over night didn't do anything either, still just an orange power light and nothing happening once I press the button.
Would be a great idea I agree.

Its now twitching again and getting a split second LED flash on the motherboard. Is it possible that my PSU could stil be the culprit, despite the fact I can jump start it with a paperclip?
Hmm, the only other motherboard I have floating about is a P8Z68-V PRO with no processor, would that still show signs of life despite no chip should I plug it in?

Edit: Just been reading of someone with a similar problem with the same motherboard, too much pressure on the socket from the cooler was the culprit for him, i'll slacken that waterblock right off when I get back from Tesco :)
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The LEDs might light up but that's about all.

Have you connected both 8 pin power connectors to the motherboard?

Try both or try each cable from the PSU one at a time in each of the two sockets.

I assume you've tried testing with just one stick of RAM at a time?

From what I understand I only need one of the 8pin power connectors in, the other is seemingly for extra power durring an OC, I will try confirm this though.

The symptom you have is same as I've had on several occasions when cooler back mount was touching case.

No backplate with X79, everything screws directly into the socket, have ruled out a short (I hope) by having the motherboard sat on a cardboard box while powered.

Gigabyte boards are very picky when it comes to psu's,I've seen issues with ocz psu's Idk about corsair but its possible

I am starting to think/hope it is down to PSU, after i've given up today I'll get in touch with scottmuir and see if he would mind testing both chip and motherboard via his known working setup.

Just back from shopping (and a lovely carvery I might add :D) going to remove the clamping knuts on the waterblock to rule out too much pressure on the socket, as admittedly my 'hand tight' is allot tighter than the average person.
Yeah, I will box everything up tonight, if one of the local places is going to charge an arm and a leg for plugging it in I'll be taking Scott up on his earlier offer.

I'm really curious now as to if I should be using both of the 12v 8pin EPS CPU power sockets, the previous owner of the board only used one socket with a 3820, perhaps this CPU needs the extra grunt of the second. I can't actually find any pictures of the motherboard installed and running with a clear shot of the power sockets, a few I have found do look as if there are two sets of cables running to that area of the motherboard. The manual doesn't actually state why two are there it just says something along the lines of:

CPU_ATX_12v_X2/CPU_ATX_12V_X2-1 Provide power, mainly 12v for the CPU, The motherboard will not function without a 12v supply.
It only has the one, a second would require a molex>8pin EPS adaptor.

I agree, would think it should work with just a single connector. Just about to try it with the waterblock just sitting on the chip rather than clamped down, found quite a few people that couldn't get this board to post (A6 error I think?) on an older bios without removing the block clamps before powering on far enough to update the bios.
Not sure tbh, just what I picked up from this thread

In that thread you will also find a TT link to a fair few more bios revisions than what GB publish in their support section.

My only other worry about taking it to a local store is the vast majority deal with consumer/buisness level machines rather than the high end, it can't hurt to phone and find out though I suppose.

Edit: Also thank you so much for the help so far everyone, much appreciated.
WE HAVE POWER!!!!!!!!!!

Something I read yesterday suggested a PSU/MB that hasn't been powered on for a while may need the caps to re-energise for a while before it powers on. So as a last ditch effort before I went to tesco I decided to leave the power to the motherboard switched on, just hit the power button it came on (fully), A6 error then off, then back on, then off then back on constantly!

Edit: A6 = Detect and install all SCSI devices, as nothing is actually plugged in this may be why this specific error
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Not a clue, thought I'd just try hit the power switch one last time and bang it fired up, drained caps perhaps? Neither the motherboard or PSU have been fired up for a good 3 weeks.

Going to add my gpu now and see if I can get into the bios. Infact I'll just throw in the 8500GT i have spare to check it posts, already pulled enough cable and hairs out.
Was :(

Added GPU, power on, on for a few seconds then off, now back at square one, going to leave it in standby for an hour or so again and see if I can get it to fire up again, if I get it to fire up again I'll leave it running for a while.
That was with an 8500GT, I will try my 7970 later as I'll need to route some pci power cables up for that.

I'll keep an eye out for FF, iirc I got A6, 60, 39 & d6 before I powered it down, they were constantly changing so presume its some sort of self test.

d6 appears to be related to no GPU being plugged in, 60 is initialising the CPU, just reading up on the others.
Would the battery prevent it booting though? I was under the impression all the battery was for was storing date/time settings?

Just re-sat the processor, get a flash and twitch with one dimm installed, remove it and it fires up for a few seconds displaying code 60 then off. Code 60 is: 'DXE Core is Started'

aaaand now I have thunderstorms to deal with.

Edit: Tried a known working cmos battery (2032, same as whats in the GB) and the same happens, without memory I get to error code 60, with memory it gets to 19 before death, 19 = Initialising pre-memory southbridge
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Yeah its the vengeance 1600mhz 2 x dual channel kits, tried both sets individually and in pairs. Its puzzling me why it powered on fine earlier and now not a thing, I've slackened the waterblock off enough so it just sits on the chip and no more. I've tried both bios settings, though I can't confirm what bios is on what switch, I read earlier that some bios revisions flashed to both sides while the experimental bios files only flashed to one.

What voltage readout should I be getting from a cmos battery? I can easily check it at work tomorrow.

Its a shame the only other PSU I have handy is one that only has a 20pin ATX connector and 4pin EPS.
CPU socket is checked as far as I can see all pins are fine, can't see any residue either.

The memory runs at 1.5v @ XMP 1600mhz and should default to 1.5v @ 1333mhz without XMP enabled.

I'll give that a try wazza, it seems the longer I leave it with power in standby the further it will boot, just had a good 5 seconds from it giving codes 19>60>6F then off, it does seem like its a power issue.
Going to take a multimeter home with me tomorrow, had a little read on PSU's and seemingly I need to check the grey wire jumps from 0v to +5v when I jump the PSU as this is some form of power for the CPU, at this rate I'm going to have to take Tuesday off work to get this either fully tested else where or boxed up and sent to Scott.
Don't bloody well believe this...

As a hunch I thought, I'll disconnect everything directly from the PSU incase I have a crushed cable or something causing a short, BINGO, asked me to reset bios to default and reboot did that and now we have this!!!

Wow I need to clean my monitor :p

But this just now leaves the question, where is the short coming from, time to plug in one cable at a time and see!

Edit: just going to see what bios revision I'm on and that it detects my processor as it should.

@Wazza, Scott, Doyll, surveyor, would have been lost without you guys :) Add me on a steam (pgi947) and with it being sale time I'll sort you all out a thank you pgi style ;)
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Yeah, major components are fine (thankfully)

Just dismantling all the cabling, found a rather suspect looking molex cable used for my fan controller, one of the pins had half come out of the plastic shroud.

Going to get it all back in the case, having just the 24+8pin power connectors in, then one by one add everything else.

Tbh The cables behind the motherboard trey were in such a state it could have been anything, lesson learned on keeping cables tidy.
What ever it was, it was the motherboard detecting it and forcing the shutdown as disconnecting the motherboard and jumping the PSU I could fire everything up just fine!

Thanks again guys I really appreciate all the help given over the last 24 hours or so. Will keep this thread updated with the re-re-build :p
Short lived joy yet again! Moved the motherboard back into the case, everything unplugged with exception to the 24 & 8 pin power cables, back to square one, wtf is wrong with my case/PSU!!
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