Friday night head scratcher help :(

Just as a caution, I know for a fact there is some dust inside, so view with caution as it might look uber gross all zoomed in etc... :D
I'll leave that one to a photoshop wizard, or for that matter someone with a functioning computer that can actually run photoshop!

Quite like the look of the Silverstone Strider 1200W as a replacement, £160, 100A single 12v rail, dual 8 pin EPS, have to look about to see what warranty they offer though.
Scratch the idea for the Silverstone Strider 1200w, only has a 2 year warranty.

OCZ ZX 1250W, slightly better spec than the Silverstone, £5 more and a 5 year warranty!!

Now just to hope it is actually the PSU :p
Intend to be running dual/tri-fire 7970 Lightnings in the future with very heavy overclocks, they can pull quite a lot of power when heading north of 1.35/1.7v @ 1300+/1800+. Not to mention a (hopefully) healthy OC on the CPU. Also commonly the price difference between the 850 - 1200w units tends to be quite small.

Had a good look at the PSU, I'll try sort some pics but they really don't show anything, can't see any blatant leaking, bulging, rusted caps. But saying that I can only visibly see two large caps and around 5-6 smaller ones, think there are many more hiding under the heatsink.

Might even treat my self to a beer tomorrow if the PSU is dead!
Me either, the examples I'd seen online looked like really drastic failures.

Have some pictures of dust:





Thats what I get for using it for a year in a case without a filter! rest of my case is spotless, just never been bothered to clean out the PSU!
Its ok, I'm covered now, the 800D has a slide out filter on the underside for the PSU.

I've never wanted to badly for a PSU to be confirmed faulty :(

Really hope for it to get plugged in, the guy to hit the power switch and nothing to happen.
Shame you don't live closer - I would have had no problems bringing my spare Corsair TX 750W round for a test.

The XFX PSU's are nice if you're buying a new one.

Very kind, shame I live in this wet corner of the UK :(

Need to find some more 'enthusiasts' in the area.

I'm not even from Aberdeen or Scotland for that matter!

I do like the XFX units, but for the extra £50 on the 1250w unit over the OCZ I'd be loosing 3 years of warranty without gaining much else (both are around 105A single rail 12v).
Hmmm how to sneak a 1250W XFX PSU into the house without the mrs asking questions.

Better not get too excited about a new PSU yet, still need to get this thing confirmed as faulty, getting up bright and early tomorrow to get it looked at :)
Yeah, the weight of them makes it a pain to post, the last PSU I sent (800w Xenta I now wish I didn't sell!) cost around £14 to send.

Did some reading last night, I did read quite a few negative things about the OCZ units too, so I think I'll either be going with an XFX unit, or buying a cheap branded 650-800W unit to tide me over until my Corsair supply is replaced.

Just packing the thing up now to test, going to have to add some waterproofing as its raining sideways...again.


The +5v line isn't doing much of anything :)

Time to start the RMA proceedings!!!

Very very happy chappy right now.
I can only presume adding the pump was pure coincidence as its a solid 12v unit.

I think the motherboard uses 5v from the 24pin connector, the motherboard detecting a lack of 5v must be causing a shutdown. It also explains why I can jump the PSU and all the fans, pump, drives spin up they are all 12v.

The guy nearly got a man-hug when he told me there was a fault!

If you look at THIS picture it shows the 24 pin connector has quite a few +5v pin outs.

RMA request with corsair has been sent.
I'll probably sell on the replacement along with the GS800 I've hopefully just snagged from the MM and get the XFX 1250W :D

The GS800 actually looks like a decent little unit for the price, 64A single rail, bronze rated and under £80 new, I may even keep it should I ever have to go through this kind of headache again.
I'll have to look into that, getting to the post office is becoming a pain, the only hours they open match my shift exactly.

Its now been nearly 2 weeks since I played a game, the steam sale isn't helping matters. Though I do only have one game left to buy when it finally gets put on a daily deal and thats Arma2: CO.
RMA Approved by Corsair, now to get it shipped to Holland!

Looking around £20 to get it shipped
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Not yet, I'll keep hold of the receipt, I would think they would refund, GS800 will be here tomorrow (while I'm at work :() so I'll pick it up friday night.

Promptly break down in tears if the same happens with this unit :p
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