Hi Geckovich great table thanks
Might want to remove the second post table as not to confuse
You OK to update and overwite the one in photobucket so the OP stays current?
I'll remove the table from my post shortly.
I'll also try to stay on top of the updates every few days. However, if this thread takes off then I'll begin filtering results somehow or another. Maybe by disregarding duplicates (we don't need 30 4ghz i3s for example) or something along those lines - suggestions welcome.
I don't think just keeping the top "x" amount of results would be too smart though, a list of 4+ ghz i7s isn't going to help anyone compare CPUs; which is what I assume the intent of this thread is.
Hopefully tomorrow I'll get some higher clocked results for my chip to compare it to the i5s at the same, or higher, clockspeed. 1.7 v core for 4+ ghz anyone? Time to put "kentsfields are bulletproof" to the test...