From (TV Series)

Last season feels like some over-complicated nonsense to extend the number of seasons.

Hopefully they redeem themselves and close off the series with S4.
There is unfortunately a fifth
Wonder whether it was always planned for that many.

Will see where the story goes with S4, wouldn't be surprised if they all made it back to the real world and that dragged on for another season or 2 - seen it happen with other shows.
So how did that zombie woman come into the house and no one but eljin saw her?

And who's the yellow jacket chap, one of pioneer's of the place?
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Finished s3 and this sums it up pretty well every episode of this season after episode 4:

Boyd: This place won't break us
Donna: I'm tired, I can't take it anymore
Others: We don't know anything about this place, we have a lot to find out
Tabitha: "Ankui"

Watching s3 reminded me of watching Lost where they start going down too many different characters / storylines to make it more complicated than it needed to be and when it could give answers it cuts away like in episode 9 when the boy in white could explain why the tree was important but doesn't, then we get to the finale and find out that we're now in chapters for time jumping between different characters.

Highlight for me was Victor's actor, got to shine this season, the new characters didn't really add much and the cop character felt like she was added just to have someone to go against Boyd every episode.

Will be giving s4 a watch as I want to see how they pan the 'yellow jacket man' out.
Halfway thorough season 2 now and
Im sick of 95% of the characters.

Se1 was promising but for me i just stopped caring because everyone is unlikeable. People are beyond stupid and the situations they put themselves in are borderline suicidal.
No one communicates.
You get drip fed 10s of info and left with a cliffhanger every episode.
Im watching to see characters die hopefully now :p
I've been dragging season 3 being hopeful for an ending before Season 4 and 5 was announced. I'm now going to wait for season 5 in hopes to get some kind of finale - hopeful thinking, I know...

The memes on the from sub are so on-point. lol
Honestly I was disappointed with season 3. Although they maintain the scary factor, they seem to be just spinning it out so it doesn't end. As soon as we get one answer we get two more questions.
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Honestly I was disappointed with season 3. Although they maintain the scary factor, they seem to be just spinning it out so it doesn't end. As soon as we get one answer we get two more questions.
Feel similar, I finally finished S3 after dragging myself through the last 3 and it answering pretty much nothing

Am done with it now, but to be fair I only managed 2 seasons of Lost + a couple of episodes of S3, so its done well in comparison.
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14th Jan (as some speculated) official UK release for season 3 - bit silly as I suspect most of those who are that interested in it have watched it by other means by now, reducing UK viewership which likely means reduced interest in airing it in the UK next season, etc. :(
14th Jan (as some speculated) official UK release for season 3 - bit silly as I suspect most of those who are that interested in it have watched it by other means by now, reducing UK viewership which likely means reduced interest in airing it in the UK next season, etc. :(
Sky really don't care about the series though. And I suspect their rights only allow it to be shown after - hence the whole season likely dropping all at once.
I finished s3 and lol

props to these guys for "making" me watch it. Its a lesson in making addictive tv.
Im glad the story is going somewhere but i guessed this was happening a long way back, i think its obvious.

its so silly and annoying its good

Boyd... lol what a nutcase he is.
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S3, what a load of tripe. If anyone hasn't watched it just watch the last 15 mins of the last episode and you'll get something of value.

Glad I either skipped through it or had it on in the background, which meant the entire season didn't take up much more than a few hours of my life.

Above poster calls it so bad it's good. It's not, it's just a waste of time.
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Feel similar, I finally finished S3 after dragging myself through the last 3 and it answering pretty much nothing

Am done with it now, but to be fair I only managed 2 seasons of Lost + a couple of episodes of S3, so its done well in comparison.
Yeah that's me done with it now, unless someone reviews the next season as being good then I'll maybe do another skip job.
One thing I forgot it mention is the characters are so stupidly overly cliche'd it's ridiculous
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