From Video Game to Movie

None, not a single one, because if I really liked a game I wouldn't want to see the cluster-**** that Hollywood would make of it.
Honestly, not really. I remember when there was a rumour swirling around that the original Deus Ex was going to be made into a movie starring none other than Eminem as JC Denton. Thank goodness that was never made.
Manic Miner.

Seriously, none. There would be quite a few I'd like to see be made into a film if Hollywood had any idea about how to turn a game into a good film; but they don't. The majority are a crapfest and a very small few are just about watchable.

Well they did that Goldeneye N64 game and it wasn't bad ;)

I can actually think of 2 recent-ish games that had more enjoyable storylines than most movies, those being The Wolf Among Us and Bioshock Infinite.

Yes, the actual FPS aspect of Bioshock was subpar, but I found the storyline and world-building utterly gripping, and probably my favourite take on the alternate timelines concept.

The Wolf Among Us was just fascinating, such an interesting take on Fairy Tale tropes and not cheesy like Once Upon A Time. The comics were great too.
For me any games that have multiple sequels or RPG will only work as a TV series or if its like a after event of the games like Final Fantasy 7 Advent Children then a movie would do alrightish in length.

The Last of us may work as a movie, if they was to do 2nd game though it may need to be 2 movies to show different events judging from the trailers available.
The Yakuza series would be interesting and doable in my opinion but no doubt the japanese may not do it as it is "yakuza" lol
Dead Space would be cool.
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