Front Forks Or Rear Shock?

I could swap the knuckle for a j series,those have the grease nipples on them,seen one for £16

also seen this,straight bolt on swap apparently,im tempted to take a punt
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seems like I have to remove the rad and whole exhaust just to get one bolt out from the shock linkage:eek:

don't fancy messing that much,not sure if I can get angle grinder in to cut the head of the bolt off,can always buy another and put it in the other side from exhaust

seems a daft way to me
took it to my mechanic mate today,and the whole linkage is seized ,he said the shock isn't doing its job due to the seized linkage,no wonder it kept bobbing about
ive unseized it now,by bouncing on the back end,cant even get the bearings/slider/seals for where the linkage mounts to the frame, discontinued and that's from Kawasaki
looks like im gonna have to take the rad out and whole exhaust off,theres no way I can get in with the angle grinder to cut the head of the bolt off

ive found the seized bearing though its the one where the shock attaches to the linkage,theres no way I can turn the bolt with the ratchet
got the rad out,undone most of the exhaust bolts except for two or three,just cant get them out

might admit defeat and let the shop get them out,i can swap the linkage/shock myself

the bolt holding the bottom of the shock is stuck solid aswell,ill ask them to free it up with the airgun

I knew the exhaust wasn't gonna come off,its never been off since manufacture

think ill be ok riding without a radiator to the bike place? its not far haha
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got the exhaust off,been given metal studs/nuts are they fine to use?

lookslike metal ones that came off it but thought they were always copper?

fitted the 08 model shock and linkages,bolted straight on,ill post some pics when im done,just about to refit the radiator and bleed it ect






gonna test it in a bit,if there's a long pause ill be in A & E :eek: :D
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