Front Garden Rebuild

Gravel grids are all down and in the correct place for the large slate slabs and black stone. Using the rest of the gravel and stone dust to help raise the level within the lawn space, its 200mm deep and i only require between 100/150mm for a decent lawn and i want to ensure it drains well.

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Built the framework for the right side fence today and made sure it was all securely bolted to the wall. Tomorrow will be putting the timbers up and then the dogs will be very secure in the front garden then.

Will add some pictures tomorrow. Stone also arriving monday for around all the pathed area.
Decided as part of the rebuild to bring the levels up on the alley way now too. So more hardcore ordered earlier, which is arriving on thusday. So a job for the weekend, bring it up to almost level height and then add the remainder of the blackstone. Then will rebuild the gate at the end of the alley that leads into the back garden.
Thats all the slabs and stone done. Room in this area for an electric car in the future.

Jobs left to do….

# inside timber fence
# alley way path
# membrane down on the lawn area
# stone over the membrane for winter
# topsoil in spring and seed for grass.

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