FTTP Thoughts?


BT are finishing off the upgrades of VLAN's but seems I am getting a consistent speed of 300Mbps via the very simple fast.net test. When I move to speedtest.net is reduced to circa 250Mbps and 52Mbps uploads, but that shows the variations in speed test websites I suppose.
Well, all being told didn't sound like the smoothest journey ever, but fair play that they upgraded the VLANs in not too long a time span :)
Well, all being told didn't sound like the smoothest journey ever, but fair play that they upgraded the VLANs in not too long a time span :)

I was told by BT that most people (less than 5%) are going 'full fat' on the speed option. I suspect they hoped they could bide their time but the first 2 people went 'full fat' on our exchange and they took a bath on that decision. Zen have as always been on it daily and keeping me in the loop daily. It's been painful but we got to the point of failure and they have seemingly fixed it quickly (when found). It is interesting that my neighbor who is with BT has had to come to me for updates as BT were clueless. Evidences why you pay more I guess...
Ignore the speed testing sites, Housey.

Just set up a large download and see what you get, from a reliable source such as Microsoft or sourceforge or something.
Just goes to show the kind of black hole that OpenReach is...
100% and why I pay extra for Zen to my point at the very start of this thread and as has been evidenced throughout it....even though I wasn't 100% sure Zen were going to fix it mid term but they came good and I have never doubted their commitment to fix it or their quality of communication. OpenReach would not have delivered this level of support and this is confirmed by my neighbor who is with BT and knew none of the detail.
Another vote for Zen here. My FTTP order was placed 7 weeks ago and was stuck somewhere in the Openreach system for most of that time. Zen kept up the pressure and eventually had to do a manual order. All being well it's getting installed in 2 days. Can't wait to wave goodbye to 5mbps ADSL.

Pleased to say my Zen connection is now flying and providing consistent high performance. This was 5 minutes ago and is pretty much the same (within 10 Mbps download) whenever I have run it since the tech in my exchange was sorted.

Can I just ask guys with the new BT FTTP service are you still forced into using a home hub - or do they actually allow you to use own hardware now?
All Openreach FTTP services are terminated on an ONT that presents the connection as Ethernet. You can use any router that can work with PPPoE.
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