Fully comp, TPFT, and NCB

.SJ said:
Yeah, you just got to find a decent insurer. :D

For instance, Sainsburys wanted more out of me because someone drove into my car when I was stationary. Tesco didnt.

Just run through a quote without any non-fault claims listed to see what the difference is.

So if someone runs in to me when I'm minding my own, then my insurance might go up. That sounds stupid to me. Why am I more of a risk because someone bumped me? Am I classed as unlucky or something?
Spamalot said:
So if someone runs in to me when I'm minding my own, then my insurance might go up. That sounds stupid to me. Why am I more of a risk because someone bumped me? Am I classed as unlucky or something?

because you've had to claim, insurers are stupid really, as you say it makes no sense :)

.SJ said:
Yeah, you just got to find a decent insurer. :D

For instance, Sainsburys wanted more out of me because someone drove into my car when I was stationary. Tesco didnt.

Just run through a quote without any non-fault claims listed to see what the difference is.
Yeah my non fault claim didn't add to my premium and I'm with Privilege who like Tesco is underwritten by Direct Line.

Whoever it was asking about if they will lose NCD. You will but I think you will only drop two years so you will keep 1 years NCD.

If you couldn't lose your NCD for not claiming against your own vehicle we could all run around on TPFT and never be able to lose any NCD at all!!
My insurance is fully comp, and if I lost my NCD wouldn't it be nice to be told I have?

It took me long enough to get my 2 years no claims from my scooter added and then I have a years no claims on top of that. If they take those 3 years off I'm gonna be paying upto £1400 for a 1.4 at 21. Bit of a damned joke.
Dup said:
My insurance is fully comp, and if I lost my NCD wouldn't it be nice to be told I have?.

You've had a CLAIM, its a NO CLAIM bonus. I think its pretty obvious you've lost at least some of it.

You'll find out when your renewal comes through.
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