Function AND fashion

Anyways - i ment gaming case as a flashier case yes, i dont want some leds all over the shop that blind me and big bulky parts with no use
Side window
Tem and fan speed controls on the front
and good cooling
I don't personally know of any cases that have built in temperature monitors and fan controllers. Why can't you get a case and add a 3rd party controller? There are loads out there, and OCUK stocks most of them.
Lian Li windows can be had for the PC60 and 7 series from a competitor quite easily in the UK. But enough of that.

Its all been said before by mr p4radox. Unless you want a case which makes you look like a 12 year old, you really need to consider a understated case. Some of the Tt designs now are quite nice.

I personally consider Thermaltake to be the best of the best when it comes to gaming cases, they at least attempt to have good features that mean something with a build that wont kill you.

Also buy a aftermarket fan controller for the place in the sky's sake! Will be much better and save you money by getting a better case in the first place.
Yeah, like i say i apologise for saying things i shouldnt of said - but i have apologised and will not do so in the future - great first impression :(
Anyways - thanks for the advice - i will get my own controller and do it myself tar
I like the thermaltake cases a lot now that i have had a proper look at them
Noticed some on ocuk website :p
Quite expensive but i guess you guys would recommend them?
also,i seen on the manufacturers website more detail about these
will i need to buy extra fans with this case? if i do decide to go for it...
Well quite a lot of people would advise againt going thermaltake as they are a bit OTT and not built to the standard of say the Lian Li's.

But they are good cases, and much better than ANY other gaming case out there really. Have you read the buying guide in the sticky? The case may come with fans, you need to phone the shop up and get a answer that way to be 100% sure.

Thermaltake if they look along the lines of what you want in the appearance, then they are as good as you are going to get! Better to get a thermaltake than a case which will cut your hands to peices!
i do admit i like the look - but i was talking only about the 1 with all the mesh down the front and had the 2 neons
this would look great with controllers i think - just the price is a little high for my liking
basically i like the case - and i love that it has sublte neons, they look great to me
i like the case but the price is high, and issues with fans are not my area, we dont get on lol
i found however the simplicity of installing things and the many drive bays a plus
anything similar for a lower price range/?

side panel window
nice looking
similar to tt
You really are going to the VERY edge of what can be acheived with the low end gear with that budget.

Something will have to give.

If you like Tt then you just will have to go for Tt.

The Tsunami is a nice case; and then get the controller at a later stage.

The window limits things aswell, you could always pick one up for another case at a later date - or make your own.
I could get flamed off the forum here, but have you considered a Jeantech G-Max. It's totally tool-free, has a window, has a built-in fan controller and a temperature display and it can be had from the purple-shirts for £30!

It even looks (a little bit) like a Lian-Li V1000! ;)
Forgot about Jeantech!

WJA96 I think you may have found in one the case that is perfect for him!

Its not bad by to bad a brand, so all around good, and you save some money.


You should know better! ;)
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wow thats erm...summit to think about
can any1 find better pics from the side, coz iv been on the site but the pics arent really up to much, also can u fit more than 1 drive coz i cant see where they would come out at the front of the case:S
There is a door on the front of the case. One of the five free 5.25" drive bays is stealthed, the others you have to open the door to get to.

Bottom line is - it has all the features you asked for. It's pretty well built (especially for the money) and it's cheap. There is enough money left in your £70 budget to buy a nice PSU (Akasa Paxpower 400W?).

You're obviously less than thrilled about it as an alternative to the Aspire. No problem. Pretty much every post in this thread and the other one are negative about your preferred case. So what? I like Akasa Eclipses. Yewen hates them. Other people like Thermaltake and Silverstone. Buy the one you want. But it's not very good.
djunknown said:
wow thats erm...summit to think about
can any1 find better pics from the side, coz iv been on the site but the pics arent really up to much, also can u fit more than 1 drive coz i cant see where they would come out at the front of the case:S

I'm actually building one for someone at the moment.

Sorry that the internal one is slightly out of focus, but it's late and after three pints of vodka....


Totally toolfree - even the motherboard is on sliders.


Display, USB and Firewire.


The other drives go here. There is a filter in the door so the case does not fill up with dust.
WJA96 said:
Yewen hates them.

:eek: I recommend people them, they are great cases feature wise but the front being plastic for me is a big no no! But does not mean I hate them, just rephrase it to second choice after PC7+ :)

The Eclipse is a case that grows on you, although I will not budge on the fact it looks ugly with plastic, who wants plastic on there case :p
ok - heres where im so far upto
i like both the lanboy and the jeantech(i prefer lanboy on looks) - however, both have doors on the front, but i want to have controllers on the front, and then open to drives, or just have no door whatsoever on the case
thats why i was interested in the likes of Thermaltake VA8000BWA Armour Super Tower - Black
i havent seen the look of any cases i like that have been suggested, with side windows and good looks...oh and summit i can see the controllers on lol ...

edit: any views on the

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So you dont want a door then?

If your interested in the Armour why dont you buy it, save a bit more.

For your budget you will be cutting corners on what you get.

Gaming cases are always overpriced for the features and quality they provide, so you just have to accept that they are looks orientated most of the time.

However the Lanboy is a great case, but by making it no door now you further limit the choice, most gaming type cases have doors with plastic locks on, so nobody steals your cd's at lans. Well how Thermaltake put it once with the Xaser series.
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