Saw this earlier tonight, and I thought it was complete tosh.
Overblown action sequences, under-utilised stunt casting (Rousey, Jaa, hell even The Rock is only on screen for all of 5 minutes), a meandering story that really doesn't do anything remotely interesting and some seriously awful dialogue backed up by laugh-inducing musical cues. Even the comic relief was so flat and obvious that it just didn't work.
Statham's character became like Resident Evil's Nemesis -- randomly showing up in locations to attack the team in such a manner that I began uttering "STAARRRRSSSSS!" when he showed up.
Though I did like how Wan was obviously having fun with his camerawork, and the 'Highlander' visual references in the rooftop fight were a nice surprise. Paul's send-off was very fitting, and very, very touching. You can really feel how much Vin, and everyone else, loved that guy.
I assume if they go for an 8th film they'll have Statham's character get out and off Walker's character in the beginning (off screen, obviously -- a bomb or whatever) and get Dom and the rest after him for revenge.