G.skill Trident Neo 3800 CL14 issues

I preordered it on 25 November. Got a dispatch notice on Wednesday saying delivery by Monday. Got a text Thursday afternoon to say it was out for delivery.

Pretty amazing really that I got them on 10th December when they were made in Asia in December (according to the stamp on the sticks).

Mine Arrived yesterday. Currently working out the best settings for them, so still have some sub timings on Auto for now. What I have found out though at least on my set is Gear Down Mode has to be enabled.

Here is my current settings so far:


Interestingly, with my old set, I could not post at 2000 FCLK.

With this set it works no problem.


Ill continue to work on them.
@OC2000 thanks for this. Looking real good! Is that stable with the command rate at 1T? @MrPils I recall you were interested in this.

Is it better to set the FCLK at 1900 and have tighter timings rather than FCLK at 2000? Sorry for the noob question :)

I never tested for long stability with gear down disabled and 1T with the Single Rank set, but it never caused any issue doing all the other types of benchmarks on it. If im not wrong, Geardown enabled over rides command rate and does a 1.5T.
XMP sets it to 1T automatically though with Gear down enabled. I also noticed on DRAM calculator Fast settings with Dual Rank Ram recommends Geardown enabled and disabled with the Single Rank equivalent.

You would only set FCLK to 2000 if you were going to run 4000 Mhz Ram. I havent tried doing anything other than boot into windows with 4000 yet. I've heard that it isn't really stable yet until a new AGESA is released.

Ill post more timing later once I have finished work and tweaked it more.
Turns out the New Asus Dark Hero Bios 3003 fixed the FCLK as I can now run 4000 mhz / 2000 mhz on both. I do need to ramp up VSOC to 1.15 and the other voltages to 1.075 to get it stable though. Here are some of the results I have got. I aim to run the first one as my daily.

Note: I have since changed TRDRDSD to 4 and tRDRDDD to 1

Dual Rank - 2x16GB - 3800 Mhz CL14 14 14 14


Dual Rank - 2x16GB - 3800 Mhz CL14 13 13 13


Dual Rank - 2 x 16GB - 4000 Mhz CL14


I am trying to work out why the 4000 is slower than the 3800. Perhaps the AGESA needs updating with the compatibility patch (Unless that's already been done) or there are some voltages that need tweaking. I won't be using this other than testing with though as im not comfortable running 1.15 VSOC

Single Rank - 2 x 8GB - 3800 Mhz CL14 14 14


Single Rank - 2 x 8GB 4000 Mhz CL 14

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Yeah there is something wrong with 2000 FCLK still.

Can you try 3866 and a 1933 FCLK? Try and see exactly when the latency penalty kicks in.

I'm also surprised the Dark Hero was able to push memory that well. Some pretty strong results.

I tested 3866 and 3933, 3866 got an Aida score of 53.3 ns, and 3933 the same but needed a 1.15 VSOC with 1.075 / 1.075

Both were not stable and crashed when running the AIDA 64 benchmark, so would need looser timings which I would take too long to do. im happy running 3800. Need to do a stability test though on the timings I currently have, although they are working for benchmarks
Thats me done. Geardown disabled im not going to bother with. Couldnt get it off at 3666 1t. 3666 is the highest i can boot on 1t, ended up booting 3800 on 2t and keeping GDM enabled. Absolutely hammered the mem as low as it'll go, highest read / write /copy and lowest latency i can get (4dimm SR). Passes TM5 no problem. Doesnt seem to be much difference vs 2x16DR 3800C14 to i'll call this one job done i reckon. :cool:

Interesting what you have done with those sub timings there. Ill have to have a play with something similar. I got 2 WHEA errors in OCCT, not sure if that's an OCCT thing or if the my memory needs tweaking or more voltage offset on the VCORE as Im using PBO with CO. I will try again with PBO disabled at stock. Im also going to have to work on some direct air flow on the DIMMs though as OCCT sent my RAM to 50C within minutes. Putting a fan directly over them kept them at 30C, but not practical for daily use.
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