You suspected it was related to graphics card overheating, I suspected it was related to graphics card overheating then how about you check whether its the graphics card overheating?xirokx I don't like the idea of oiling the cooler on the gfx card....thanks for your advice but I am some what reluctant to lube up any parts...
Is there anything else I can try
Fine if you don't want to lube the fan, but take the card out clean up the sink and try spinning the fan to see if theres any resistance, if there is then you have a problem with the fan, if you don't want to lube it then you'll have to buy a replacement cooler or replacement card. If the fan spins freely out of the PC and you can see it spinning with the PC powered on then you need to look elswhere, but for the sake of a couple of minutes why not rule out the obvious?