Poll: Game of The Year 2016

Vote for your OcUK Game of the Year 2016

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9 Nov 2009
Planet Earth
Most (all?) of the best games I played this year were marred by poor performance. Can't vote for any of them yet.

ROTR anti-performance dx12 patch was fail! Doom seemed ok but that was mostly linear but not bothered finishing that one yet.

Come to think of it that is only two 2016 games I actually bought this year plus the expansion.

At this rate w3 might win GOTY for three years running! :p
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1 Feb 2009
See maybe you should read my first reply - meant to be tongue in cheek when an expansion,is considered more GOTY than full games. But,oh noes, might have criticised W3 in some way!

Indeed,WTF?? In the last 30 years plenty of large expansions have been released and have not been considered as GOTY since they are expansions. You call a remaster of a whole game in a new engine which millions got for FREE and has 100s of hours in it as nothing whereas as an expansion which you still need to paid for,and tiny in comparison has the greatest thing since sliced bread. OK,then try and port some any other type of largish RPG to a DX11 engine and see how long it will take. Try converting most of the assets from one API and engine to another. You can talk all you want about the expansion but it will be re-using a lot of underlying stuff from the existing game.

Do I think a remaster which has taken a lot of effort to do(maybe you should try doing it yourself since it is easy apparently) should be a GOTY?? Nope. Neither do I think an expansion should either. An expansion is just a mod for the main game and Blood and Wine is not standalone. You still need a 2015 game to run it.

You even call it an expansion and sadly for you even CDPR don't call it a new game they call it an expansion - just like all the 100s of expansions which have been released for decades.

I think some of you modern gamers have been deprived of proper expansions for so long you are making it a big song and dance and saying OMFG its actually longer than 10 hours. Big deal - its not standalone. Its no different than the free USER made expansion mods which have dozens of hours of gameplay and have been done by the modding community down to even the voice acting - I am far more impressed by those sorts of things as expansions since none of the people have been paid for this. I don't see going all mad about something like Enderal which has at least 50 hours gameplay(just for the main quest alone) and its not the only one for other games.

I just feel sorry for modern gamers when expansion packs are considered better than whole games - it shows you how much things have fallen. Its worrying if the quality of modern games has fallen so far.

In fact that was my whole point - an expansion is considered better than whole games.

Plus,80% of people didn't even vote for the expansion.

Goodness grief at this rate a season pass will become GOTY.

Think we need to agree to disagree.

Please, try to be less ranty next time. You are not blowing anyone's mind with some new information here.
Remaster, which by and large looks and plays identical as a game that came out in 2011 (and won the goties back then) is not, in any way, shape, or form, comparable to an expansion that features dozens of hours of new content. It just isn't.
Yes, we all know the concept of "expansion" is nothing new. I have been playing PC games since 1994. I was there for Opposing Force, Lord of Destruction and many other greats. And if any expansions as good as Blood and Wine came out this year, I would like to see them included in the poll as well. If Bethesda's Harbour or Nuka expansions were as high quality and as large as B&W, they could have a place here as well, ok?
The fact that B&W is leading the poll says nothing about general quality of games this year. It just says most people enjoyed that expansion more than the other games. No big deal. Maybe once you play it, you will agree.
6 Mar 2008
Stoke area
I don't get a lot of time for gaming now. It's decreased a lot over the last 5 years, going from 30-50 hours a week right down to maybe 3 on average a week over the last 6 months. That is usually in one stint as well.

I've not really played anything that grabbed me, The Division after the story was/is rather boring. No Man's Sky was going to be a let down from the start and after a few hours it was uninstalled.

I've tried Inside after seeing it on this list and it's amazingly well done. Simple controls, makes you think but the sounds, style and atmosphere beat anything I've played in years. I've played a couple of hours so far and loving it. Last game to get my heart racing while playing was pirating on Eve Online, but this game really does get you going.

For me, it's story, story, atmosphere!
25 Jan 2013
Tis utterly bizzare to me that some people think this year was underwhelming... You must have been playing all of the wrong games! I'd argue it's better then last year and that was the best year we'd had for almost a decade!
1 Feb 2009
Tis utterly bizzare to me that some people think this year was underwhelming... You must have been playing all of the wrong games! I'd argue it's better then last year and that was the best year we'd had for almost a decade!

So list the games you thought were amazing!
14 Aug 2007
Best gaming experience would be more appropriate.


I think I need to get out quick as I hear the the CDPR and Blizzard armies marching my way.

You're probably right on the title. Two things before I leave this pointless debate. 1. If you're describing Blood and Wine as a mod then you've clearly not played it. 2. Don't go with the whole lame fanboy argument when people start defending a game they love.
14 May 2011
Cornwall, England
I think after the past few days of playing, my vote is going to have to change from Civilization 6 to Planet Coaster.
Normally I'm not overly keen on creative games as I lack the skills to do much with them, but I've been totally blown away by the quality of Planet Coaster and how simple it can be to make something that looks neat.
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