Poll: Game of The Year 2016

Vote for your OcUK Game of the Year 2016

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4 Jun 2009
Also, I guess we may have different definitions of what GOTY means? Personally I'd say its the game that I consider to be the best this year, even if its been a poor year its still the game I consider to be the best out of everything I've played, it doesn't have to be one of the best games I've ever played to qualify.


Choice this year has been absolutely awful, any potentially good games were ruined by either having awful performance for mediocre graphics or/and a crashing mess or/and just down right ****.

Division is certainly not one of my best games of all time but for this year, it is the only one that exceeded my expectations.
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Man of Honour
17 Aug 2007
Also, I guess we may have different definitions of what GOTY means? Personally I'd say its the game that I consider to be the best this year, even if its been a poor year its still the game I consider to be the best out of everything I've played, it doesn't have to be one of the best games I've ever played to qualify.


There always must be a game of the year, for every person who plays games. Because there is always something which is the best of something, even if there were 12 dire awful games, 1 of those must be inherently better than the rest, even if it is still utter dross. The only way there can be no game of the year would be if someone hadnt played any games at all in the year.
9 Dec 2006

There always must be a game of the year, for every person who plays games. Because there is always something which is the best of something, even if there were 12 dire awful games, 1 of those must be inherently better than the rest, even if it is still utter dross. The only way there can be no game of the year would be if someone hadnt played any games at all in the year.

So what your saying is Even if theirs only 100 bad games you will vote for least bad game? Giving it an award of GOTY?

This is what wrong with the game industry. countless Game reviewers

Giving out awards to sub-par games then expecting Developers to Put effort into make a good game When they can make a bad game cheaper & get an award anyway. makes me smile.

Not saying it your thought. Theirs very little In the way of developers,publishers now who actually care about their games & are not just a catch game.

cd projekt red
Blizzard (at a stretch)

if we HAVE to give out an award giveout the Best of the Worst Year award. Lets developers wont want to be on the list.
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25 Mar 2004
So what your saying is Even if theirs only 100 bad games you will vote for least bad game? Giving it an award of GOTY?

This is what wrong with the game industry. countless Game reviewers

Giving out awards to sub-par games then expecting Developers to Put effort into make a good game When they can make a bad game cheaper & get an award anyway. makes me smile.

Not saying it your thought. Theirs very little In the way of developers,publishers now who actually care about their games & are not just a catch game.

cd projekt red
Blizzard (at a stretch)

if we HAVE to give out an award giveout the Best of the Worst Year award. Lets developers wont want to be on the list.

The definition of "anything" of the year, is that it's the best of it's class in the year, even if it's not the best example of something.
Man of Honour
17 Aug 2007
So what your saying is Even if theirs only 100 bad games you will vote for least bad game? Giving it an award of GOTY?

This is what wrong with the game industry. countless Game reviewers

Giving out awards to sub-par games then expecting Developers to Put effort into make a good game When they can make a bad game cheaper & get an award anyway. makes me smile.

Not saying it your thought. Theirs very little In the way of developers,publishers now who actually care about their games & are not just a catch game.

cd projekt red
Blizzard (at a stretch)

if we HAVE to give out an award giveout the Best of the Worst Year award. Lets developers wont want to be on the list.

No thats not what I am saying at all, because this isnt a vote, the OP clearly stated what is your game of the year, not what will win awards and perfectly logically everyone who has played at least 1 game this year must have a best game of the year, even if that best game is totally naff. If I sat and watched 10 episodes of Gardening World with Oprah Winfrey, even though all 10 would be rubbish , by simple definition one would be less rubbish than all the rest and thus would be the best one I saw.

The thread has nothing to do with what will or will not get a GOTY award, its clearly written in the first post that its asking what your GOTY is.
7 Jun 2003
There's certainly been nothing this year that could live up to the standards of last year (To be fair, TW3 probably won't be matched for more than just 1 year...)

I can only really state my game of the year based on the game i've found to be the most fun so far this year:
Worms WMD :p ... constantly enjoyable, infinitely replayable. Obviously with friends mind you, but then that's the case for many games.

Worst game of the year:
No Man sky - Only the second game i've ever had a steam refund for.

Deleted member 651465


Deleted member 651465

String, update the OP with a list of the games you want in the poll and I'll sort it :cool:

RTM your post incase I don't come back to the thread though.
1 Feb 2006
I think this year has had some good games:
The Division: Massively better than I thought it would be, I have almost 800 hours on it.
BF1: This is epic, I cannot play it for long without rage quitting but I can recognize how good it is. I have played all the battlefield games up to BF4 and I think BF1 is one of the best so far, if they added sea battles like bf1941 had it would be the best.
Mafia 3: It has some issues but I still enjoyed played it all the way through.
Forza Horizon 3: For me this is the best driving game on the PC, has some bugs but most have been sorted.
9 Mar 2006
I'm not intending to troll or anything but this topic has actually made me realise people still play the division. I thought it had just died. How much support has it got from the devs?

Deleted member 651465


Deleted member 651465

Poll added :)

20 items is the max I can allow. Therefore I took off Skyrim special edition. If you want XCOM 2 then I'd need to take something off.
7 Jun 2003
Poll added :)

20 items is the max I can allow. Therefore I took off Skyrim special edition. If you want XCOM 2 then I'd need to take something off.

You could take off no man sky and mafia 3, they're both joke entries anyway :p

Overwatch deserves to be on there imo, not that i'd vote for it, but it's certainly one of this years better games.
4 Jun 2009
Also, witcher 3 wasn't released this year, I think the dlc blood and wine was though.

I'm not intending to troll or anything but this topic has actually made me realise people still play the division. I thought it had just died. How much support has it got from the devs?

A ton, so much that they even delayed the survival dlc to re-balance the game and now have a separate build of the game to test out future changes/dlc content before rolling it out to the main game.
14 Aug 2007
Poll added :)

20 items is the max I can allow. Therefore I took off Skyrim special edition. If you want XCOM 2 then I'd need to take something off.

Should Witcher 3 say 'Wicther 3 - Blood and Wine', just for clarity? As I think Witcher 3 itself was last year.
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