Game suggestions for a rubbish PC

Had to lower the settings considerably, but my old GeForce 3 Ti 200 could handle CS Source (thus also HL2) with 60+ FPS.

If turn based strategy is your thing; consider civilisation 2 (I hear 3 is also quite good).
Sleepery said:
The Neverwinter Nights games run well on lo spec PCs, and of course Baldur's Gate 2.

Thank god someone suggested that. Baldur's Gate 2 all the way. Neverwinter Nights isnt as good IMO, but BG2 is a pinacle of CRPG.
bakes0310 said:
Id highly recommed heros of might and magic v its out on friday and ive played the demo and its amazing like HOMAM3 and it runs fine on my system
DFILanpartyutra-d/sandiego [email protected]
2gig OCZ Platinum pc3200
Connect3d x1900xtx
3dm05 10689 score 3dm03 18225 3dm06 4746

Yes I would hope it ran ok on that, slight upgrade from the OPs system :D
Max Payne (both games)


Medal of honour


Call Of Duty (original version)

All excellent and should run at lowish settings, have Fun!!
Morrowind [use the fps otimiser cos it's pretty cpu intensive]

Excellent game & looks very nice -better gameplay than Oblivion too judging by some forums.

Runs pretty well on my xp1600, GF3 & 512mb :D

You could even run Oblivion if you use "Oldblivion" -think you'd need 512mb ram though. Runs surprisingly well & looks quite nice in the dungeon areas but the countryside looks horrible.
LastNightsPizza said:
SOFII was a great game and ran fine on my first personally built PC - 1700XP with a Geforce3TI and 256MB Ram.

Yeah that's a good game. Took me a while to get into the graphics style though -seemed so much different graphically from the 1st one. Thought the 1st one was gorier -remember that bit in the subway toilets where you could chuck a grenade into one of the occupied cubicles :D
I've got a worse system and Call of Duty 1 GOTY runs fine with all effects high and detailed with low textures at 1024. I have to limit it with vsynch.
Using a 1ghz athlon, ti4200 whcih is broken and 256mb so you should be fine. Used to run max payne on this too.

Mafia works on it too so I'd recommend that also
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