Gamer Addictions

22 Oct 2004
So whos got it then!!! who plays pc/console games more than they should and how has it affected your life.
Has it ruined your social life and affected your relationship with your family somehow.
Or has your gaming addiction been a good thing and really made a difference to yourself on how you look at life.
What social life?

Work -> Game -> Moan about game on a forum whilst watching scrubs -> game some more -> realise it's 3am and go to bed -> Work....

Totally game to much here. MMO's are my weakness now as being a mature gamer, depth of game is top of my list.

Play my PC whenever I have free time, although I do my best to juggle other elements in with it.

Is it wrong to be at work planning my next skill learn in EvE online, or planning the evenings raid in WoW :confused:

Need to go now and game more :)
too much gaming is bad for you. Ive been cursed now aswell. I used to play BF2 for hours at a time amongst a few other games. now gaming doesnt seem fun and i get bored after about 20 minutes, if that

i spent about £800 on my pc to listen to music and browse the web :(
I ended up with a rubbish degree due to playing far too much Quakeworld. I knew what was happening, but the game is just so good that I didn't care.

Deep down I know I should regret it but it was so much fun that I can't say I was a complete waste of my life. 5 years after graduating I'm still playing although this year I have cut back a lot, I'm not addicted anymore since I can go a couple of weeks without playing even though it is still fun when I do.
willthepirate said:
play games and browse the web allot but doesnt ever get in the way of my social life, however good some game is its never as much fun as a girl :D

Obviously NEVER played Galaxies :p
Once played CS for about 18 hours straight then slept for about 5 hours then played cs for another 18 hrs then slept about 5 hours then played cs for about 18 hours then had really bad back and leg ache. Seems impossible to me now that i could be as addicted to a game as i was then.
I never thought I'd say this, but at it's best, gaming can actually be better than (some) sex. I'm sure some people would probably say something along the lines of "you're obviously not doing it right / haven't met the right person!", but maybe the counter argument would be "you're obviously not doing it right / haven't played the right game!" :)
kdd said:
Once played CS for about 18 hours straight then slept for about 5 hours then played cs for another 18 hrs then slept about 5 hours then played cs for about 18 hours then had really bad back and leg ache. Seems impossible to me now that i could be as addicted to a game as i was then.

I was really addicted to cs 1.6 back in the day, I used to be able to play scoutzknivez servers for 12 hours a day all week, glad i stopped playing it.
I now only game a cupple of hours a day, and dont feel like im addicted now. Wooo hoooo :D
HangTime said:
I never thought I'd say this, but at it's best, gaming can actually be better than (some) sex.QUOTE]

I do see what you mean sometimes, but not enough to say that it's better than sex.
I would say i've been addicted before and have just been hooked again. First time was when the lan centre opened in a town near my house and I was there every day playing on a CS 1.6 team for 10 hours+ a day (more when all nighters were on) and just recently i've made it to addicted level on CoD2 aswell as the team is becoming more demanding.
sorry, did you say somthing? I'm too busy playing EVE on two PCs to bother replying properly
6 or 7 years ago I got totally addicted to Delta Force...... Then CS for a while then since then its been more hardware than games.... :( But then again online games have been more in your face now, I guess its the norm now........
IM terrible for getting addicted to games espcially SPS games like MOHAAS, CSS
and Half-life 2 DM most knights i go to bed about 6:00 in the morning at the weekend.
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