Gamer Addictions

Afraid to say im well and truly addicted to wow. if i aint raiding im leveling a alt. its taking over my life!
7 Years addiction to Ultima Online!! just stopped playing this year...
Starting to play a lot of Eve-Online atm... Not a good sign :/
I'm playing too much COD2 atm, so much so that my parents have taken away my pc power cord becasue i'm becoming anti-social :p

I honestly don't think i play too much as i still go out often with friends etc it's just that i'm addicted to it and when i play it's normally in 3-5 hour sessions.

I'm starting to get into DOD:S now and i think it may break my addiction to COD2 which will be good as i can't sit there playing DOD:S as long as i can with COD2.
I was never into online play much until I discovered EVE. Now I've secretly put an old MX440 card into my work PC so I can play there as well. :o

Consuming? Oh Yes!! :D
i used to game to much, starting to control it a little bit better lol

Every night from work or w/e i used to game, now i got out and stuff.
I used to be adicted to Asherons Call and by addicted I'd get up at 7/8AM and stop playing it around 3AM stopping for only food and toilet breaks.

It was, at the time, the best game I'd ever played and I think most MMORPGs owe a little to Asherons Call it's a shame it added housing and such like in the end as this removed the town populations which were so good to chat to and try and figure out new spells.

The game was so free flowing as well you could go almost anywhere and find an area and just kill monsters - the other side of this was that you could fight lots of monsters at once and if you were taking a kicking you could run off - you could try and dodge spells as well which in todays MMORPGs is unheard of.

The skills were also excellent you could up your run or jump speed and actual see a difference there were even quests which were made easier because you had a high jump skill, you could up your melee defence and again notice this in fights it's such a diverse game it's untrue every character was unique - unfortunately all the games nowadays relate around you pressing a few buttons with no real skill or diversity.
I'm addicted to PC gaming and have pretty much no social life other than a small circle of friends.

With the way society is in the UK (especially Glasgow) I'm not really that concerned by it either.
DailyGeek said:
Ultima Online.

I think I just got readdicted after a three year break too :p

lol i remember running up a 797pound freeserve bill when i was 14 playing that in the summer holidays..had a nackerd modem so took about 10 times 2 connect and kept on disconnecting....but what we didnt realise was that every time u connected it was a 50p charge and then 1p per min thier after :) took me a whole year of wrkin sat sun 2 pay that off :( Ouch.... gotta say tho i have had times when games have taken over my playing Halo2 in pro leagues also world of war craft..think you just gotta make sure you keep your freinds and get a girl freind....lifes fun with games in it jst dont depend on them..
kdd said:
Once played CS for about 18 hours straight then slept for about 5 hours then played cs for another 18 hrs then slept about 5 hours then played cs for about 18 hours then had really bad back and leg ache. Seems impossible to me now that i could be as addicted to a game as i was then.

been there
heh i just dont have the time to be addicted anymore these days... with work,sleep, learning to drive, goin to the gym and learning 3d modelling gaming just doesn't seem to fit in as much as it used to

Which is a good thing, as i have been totally addicted to waay too many games since i started gaming.. mostly mmo's they are just evil time sinks but i have also gone through the play cs for 12 hours a day stages :D

Now i just play bf2... i get in a couple of hours a night at most.. maybe a bit more on the weekends, but definately not enough to consider myself addicted
afraser2k said:
I'm addicted to PC gaming and have pretty much no social life other than a small circle of friends.

With the way society is in the UK (especially Glasgow) I'm not really that concerned by it either.
Really? I pity that.
Kreeeee said:
Really? I pity that.

Shame, I don't. :)

Edit: Reason why I'm not really that concerned is that I have no intention of having kids at any point in my life (also seemed to pick the mental women to get involved with :/ ), most TV is rubbish so I only watch a few hours a week and my "real life" mates are mostly into tabletop role-playing games to relax.

I live almost across the road from two pubs and with the nightly drunken behaviour/violence outside them with the antics of the customers I'd rather stay in.

Gaming addiction to me is the best choice out of the others listed, as the only person it might affect is myself.

(edited my post so it didn't sound cheeky)
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Not really addicted anymore.
Last year and a couple of years back I was. I'd play CS1.6 for 12hrs a day quite easily and enjoy it.
But now since working I seem to have lost the urge. I still game, just not for as long. Guess before it was a habit, and I've broken it for now.
Its better to be addicted to gaming rather than being addicted to crack/heroin/alchohol e.t.c. :p

How many of you have had a great night of sex with your girl (or boy) and sneaked away for a quick go of CS ?? :eek:
WoW is dominating my life at the moment. I spend most evenings on it with my RL friends in a skype convo. There is only one person with the powers of persuasion to get me away from the keyboard at the moment. :eek:
Murf said:
WoW is dominating my life at the moment. I spend most evenings on it with my RL friends in a skype convo. There is only one person with the powers of persuasion to get me away from the keyboard at the moment. :eek:

God? When he hits it with a lightning bolt? ;)
Shoseki said:
Most of my friends are online :( So I have never met them...

Didn't stop an internet friend of mine spending 2 hrs in the boot of a car (Due to lack of space) to come to Swindon for my 18th!
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