Gamer Girl selling her bathwater?????

Yep, when they hit their 30s the whole cute "gamer girl" thing wont pay anymore. Suddenly realising they should have focused on a career with longevity.

And if they have good sense they'll have enough money to buy one.

Of course most won't because they'll have failed or succeeded and then blown the money because people tend to spend what they have and especially so when they somehow acquire a large at least semi-regular income in early adulthood.

Let's say one of these deceitful porno people (it's porn, albeit not very good porn, and it's deceit because it's being passed off as something to do with gaming) makes an average of £25K a month for 5 years. That would be possible. Of course most people trying it will fail, but from those who succeed those figures are possible. It could be a lot more if they're really successful and it could carry on for longer, but I think those figures are more likely in a successful deceitful porno career. Keep £2K a month for living, save £23K a month. £2K a month is more than most 18 year olds can earn legally, that's for sure. Keep it up for 5 years and that's £1,380,000 saved. Presumably there's some tax, but there are ways around that to some extent. Someone who makes money from deception is hardly likely to care about doing as much tax dodging as they can get away with. Also, the money being saved should grow to some extent from interest or safe investments. They should have at least a million in spare money by their early 20s. You can buy a career with longevity with that much spare money. The obvious one is rental property owner, but there are others. Also, because of the deception about their sex work they won't have the stigma of honest sex workers so they'll have less difficulty transitioning into other work. Maybe get a job on TV, for example.
Don’t they sell them in vending machines over there?

I think that was banned a few years back for being just too icky. Or maybe because so many were fake. Inventive people had come up with machines to process knickers to make them seem to have been worn. A woman can only wear so many pairs of knickers in a given period of time, but a machine can churn out many more pairs of "worn" knickers to sell in the same time. Pretty woman poses in a pair of knickers, machine processes 100 pairs just like that pair, 100 suckers think they're buying the knickers she was wearing, profit.
I think that was banned a few years back for being just too icky. Or maybe because so many were fake. Inventive people had come up with machines to process knickers to make them seem to have been worn. A woman can only wear so many pairs of knickers in a given period of time, but a machine can churn out many more pairs of "worn" knickers to sell in the same time. Pretty woman poses in a pair of knickers, machine processes 100 pairs just like that pair, 100 suckers think they're buying the knickers she was wearing, profit.

I’ve seen a knickers vending machine in Akihabara in person, this was in 2017.

And No, I did not buy a pair for science. :p
Appears to me like she is trying to gain followers by giving herself a jailbait look, is that right?
I dunno how much she is actually making but based on her activity on sites like onlyfans she must have cleared around 50K atleast last month possibly much more.
It's amazing isn't it.

I mean, there's no physical contact involved, no tactile interaction with another person, just staring at a screen. So why spend all that money? There are plenty of screen-based entertainment services that are completely free, if you want.

It's not that I don't understand (the concept of) either paying for sex or watching porn. But this is paying (often a lot) for something that's readily available for free, but adding a really fake sense of human interaction with it. It's that part of it I don't understand.
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