this.Why encourage a young child to game? Surely there's enough screen time without actively encouraging it?
Wow some judgemental replies in here!
mine had access to a tablet at an early age but it was stuff to learn colours, shapes etc and the names of items.this.
Controller yes, mouse and keyboard is more tricky.
My eldest is 6 and I would never let him play console or PC games, let alone a 3 year old, which I have as well. Not letting him near games. We have an Amazon fire for plane and train journeys and thats it. They have films loaded on and a few puzzle games.
Lego, toy cars and dinosaurs, wooden train tracks, jigsaws, the garden and mud/stones/worms/ants etc. Thats where entertainment is for kids. One of my eldest friends at school talks to him about Fortnite and minecraft and some other stuff. When my lad asks me about them I just tell him they are not for kids and he needs to wait until hes a lot older to even think about playing anything like that. I was 15 when I first played on a console, the SNES. I think that age is better for kids personally but limited due to school and exams.
This is my opinion and how I think is best for my kids. Hell, if I can get them to grow up without consoles I will consider that as a win ..
I agree with what your saying but i believe your being a bit harsh, no way that kid won't grow to hate you if his friends are talking about video games upto the age of 15 and "my dad won't let me play them".
doing so in moderation as a treat or after homework sounds better to me.
I mean we are all going to be glued to screens in 20 years anyway with the way the world is going, why not start them early instead of trying to show them what the 80s was like as a kid?
it's almost like your trying to take your kids back in time. Start them troubleshooting PC issues at an early age I say! it may save their lives when their tesla crashes and he has to run some code to open the door.
At the moment my son is into Don't Starve, but he keeps starving and the Duck Game which he's also not very good at. I end up letting him shoot me execution style.
I really need to find him some more suitable games. Ideally ones that don't have annoying small child music.