most reviews are probably not favourable, but it had 10+ patches since launch and fixed most of the issues.
other things got fixed by mods until the devs get around to them, biggest problem is AI factions don't war each other like they are supposed to and claim each others space but someone fixed it with a mod
I think the devs said it would be fixed by them in 2.0.
same as you can't build shipyards yet which is planned for 2.0 or 2.5 I forget which but someone made a mod that lets you anyway
Trade AI is pretty bad but there's various mods that give better trade AI so you guys make more money and don't take on bad trades that pay peanuts
egosoft are known for supporting their games for a long time so you don't need to worry about it being abandoned, they already released videos about the roadmap for the game.
It's sandbox though with no story apart from a short one but it's probably the only game that could be anyway comparable to eve-online.
Trade, mine, fight, build fleets, build stations, kill stations, claim sectors as your own etc
Claiming sectors is pretty pointless but the devs said they will make it more meaningful soon