Games that make you really ANGRY

2 Jun 2003
Bristol UK
As per title, what games really grind your gears?

I bought Pro Evo 5 on the PC at the moment and playing online i'm really tearing my hair out :mad:

I know i've only had the game a few days and won only one one online game (lost lots lol) but i think i'm doing ok then suddenly i find myself giving away silly balls and losing 3-0 really gets me angry GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR :mad:

This thread is for muchos ventage :D

t3h :cool:
CS:S Mainly. When you get a bit of practice going then you think you're getting better then you end up getting murdered even when I'm on the winning team and usualyl for really stupid things.

I have a nasty habbit of crappign myself in 1v1 fights when everyone is dead and the enemy suddenly pops out when I'm trying to walk and my reaction shot always misses by miles. Always gets me annoyed.

More so is getting team flashed. Some knob head team flashed me at the wrong time earlier today and I shouted OH **** OFF at the PC :o

Parents heard it downstairs :\ I don't usually shout at a PC game, but if I have to it will always be CS.
Yeah Pro Evo 5 has made me really angry as well :mad: The fact that i cant run the game at my native resolution of 1360X768 has made me really really angry :mad:
BF2 by a long way, I have lost count of the times I have un-installed it in a rage , only to put it back on again a few days later.

Playing the AI in PES5 can get to me too, cheats!
Day of defeat source. I know im good at it. But im giving away easy kills to the enemy, by dropping my gaurd for a split second. God damn i hate getting a minus score on that game, which dont happen often :p
Quake2 1v1 - mainly because I loved it but wasn't very good. I broke two mice after losing to lamers :D

Oh, and GT4 - broke a PS2 pad after losing a race...
The only game that ever really hacked me off was Commandos. It was so damn hard and I had basically the minimum spec so loading it up took about 2 or 3 minutes.

And since I was never very good at it playing it was sort of a trial and error and each time I fudged that Green Beret into a patrol it took 3 minutes to load the last save up again. :p
Drizmod said:
Yeah Pro Evo 5 has made me really angry as well :mad: The fact that i cant run the game at my native resolution of 1360X768 has made me really really angry :mad:

i run it at 1152x864 stretched to fill my 1440x900 monitor with the camera angle set to wide. it looks great. :D
CSS, being on almost every week day ready to practice and pcw / play the officials only to find that someone wont be on for whatever reason because they cant keep up with what you've got to be to be the best!
Star wars galaxies....

Because i know how good it could have been, but instead we have the total pathetic mess we have now.. hence why i quit
BF2 same crap every map where infantry is concerned OMG PRONE OMG PRONE OMG PRONE. Makes me wonder what would happen if they took proning out, most likely every tard under the sun would be sitting there with his thumb jammed halfway up his ass with no clue what to do. :rolleyes:
Gerard said:
BF2 same crap every map where infantry is concerned OMG PRONE OMG PRONE OMG PRONE. Makes me wonder what would happen if they took proning out, most likely every tard under the sun would be sitting there with his thumb jammed halfway up his ass with no clue what to do. :rolleyes:

That would bring on even more vehicle whoring. If they took proning out.
You know i noticed that too dive to prone and firing all the way down or Literally jumping 6 foot into the air at the first sign of a bullet.

Why do these games have Jumping in them, what 21st centuary combat soldier is going to be able to jump about carrying all this equipment. Why dont they have a sort of push up on obsticle if you need to clear over the top of it or over a sandbag

And diving to prone why dont they put a bloody 2 second timer on being able to fire.???? this would make it so more tactical that the really poor Quake style combat i see in it.

jesus that game has so many flaws as a good modern FPS.

it looks so pretty but plays so damn shiddy
-Tauren- said:
That would bring on even more vehicle whoring. If they took proning out.

Why? cause people are so used to the one gayzo tactic that standing\crouching and firing is an alien concept to them? Its no secret that the bf series is first and formost about vehicle combat though, not suprising to me that the on foot fps part of the game is amazingly basic.
Efour2 said:
And diving to prone why dont they put a bloody 2 second timer on being able to fire.???? this would make it so more tactical that the really poor Quake style combat i see in it.

Because all the kiddies that rely on this one tactic would be hammering ea with emails complaining about it. Thats what really gets on my **** about pc gaming, just seems to be every game has some ultra cheeseball tactic everyone adopts and its accepted as "the way to play".
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