Games that make you really ANGRY

It's strange, ever since I saw a friend of mine "spaz" out after looseing a game of Doom Deathmatch on a LAN, and makeing a compleat idiot of himself, I've never let games make me angry. Come to realise that I want to play games to relax and enjoy myself, getting angry never seems to help defete that last boss, usally a relaxed approch with a thoughout plan works better.

[/old man]
Probably Football Manager. When you team after taking a four goal lead in the first half decide to play like a pub team in the second. (Not a Carlsberg pub team more like a White Lightening pub team).
Star Wars Galaxies, may it rest in peace.

And I suggest you guys whinging about Battlefield 2 use your loaf and either play on unranked servers or play on decent ranked ones (ie. not EA official if you hate point-whores and bunny hoppers.) Or just download Project Reality, but then you'll probably complain that everyone is too good and plays too properly. :rolleyes:

/rant=off just had enough of this whinging.
BF2 really drove me mad, when I first got it, I thought it was cool and could do quite well on it but after all the patches and stuff it seemed to get ruined and people wouldn't die no matter how many times I shot them and then after more patches the thing didn't even load, then another patch it would load and crash once it got into the game, tried reinstalling many times until I sold it.
Another vote for BF2...I love the game but after the last patch release and all the crashes its doing my head in...even more so when I get a good score and I get booted/CTD/CT server page. Thats just not on.
Pro Evo 5 is top.

Without a shadow of doubt.

BF2 can annoy me with servers full of idiots, but we all know people are idiots, same problem with GTL.
Pro Evo is on a whole different level of annoyingness, doesn't annoy me much online (don't play much anyway) but sometimes no matter what you do everything goes wrong. Drives me mad!
KizZ said:
Any game can make you angry really.

I cant think of a game that made me angry since i was 10 years old and took things too serious.

To me a game is suppost to be a bit of fun, a break from real life. If games start making me angry then thats the hint i play too much games.
CSS - Blocking door ways, standing behind people, walking infront of me when i'm shooting, and throwing a flash bang into a room i've just ran into. Doesn't always anoy me but sometimes i just blow my top! :mad: :eek: :D
GM@N said:
CSS - Blocking door ways, standing behind people, walking infront of me when i'm shooting, and throwing a flash bang into a room i've just ran into. Doesn't always anoy me but sometimes i just blow my top! :mad: :eek: :D
Happens loads in BF2.....
then they punish you for it to and ruin your score / get you kicked

GM@N said:
CSS - Blocking door ways...

OMG! I hate that, I keep saying "Team fall back" and the idiot stays there without moving at all. Makes me wanna put my fist right through my LCD monitor. :mad:
It's typically games that don't allow quick saves that make me really MAD - when you have to keep doing the same bits over and over again. One that definitely springs to mind is Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones. Boy did my desk take a bashing whilst playing that. It really did make me angry. :mad:

I think there was a sequence in Republic Commando that had me going potty as you had to do something within a time limit - plant some bombs or something but that was more of a frustration.

Another frustration was in Perimeter, an RTS game. Reaching a level where you were attacked from underground and it was so bloody difficult. I never got past it.
TOCA 3... You'll be in first place, final lap, and you spin out somewhere, or an NPC runs you off the road. Rick the manager doesn't help, either.

"Come on now, final lap, keep your cool" *screech* *boom*


And BF2, yeah, can't get any decent points without it crashing nowadays.
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