Games that make you really ANGRY

I just dont understand why people think this game is so damn good when its utterly flawed.

If somone took this games looks/infantry and made it a touch more realistic it would be the best larger scale FPS ever.

i got killed by a prone diving AT missile guy earlier that just about sums up how much this game annoys me. (yes he missiled me as he dived through the air)

FOOLISHLY i thought id drop to one knee ironsight and take careful aim and fire off controlled burts of 2-3 bullets.

What i should have done was jump 7 foot backwards, then 10 feet left then dived to prone while firing automatically.
Efour2 said:
I just dont understand why people think this game is so damn good when its utterly flawed.

If somone took this games looks/infantry and made it a touch more realistic it would be the best larger scale FPS ever.

i got killed by a prone diving AT guy earlier that just about sums up how much this game annoys me.

Usually the people that think its good are the ones that have mastered whoring that one tactic. The game rarely has any fun whatsoever for me because i know before i even start it up what to expect, thats usually why i just stick to jeeps\tanks as the infantry side is so utterly retarded its laughable.
I have to say, BF2 really gets my blood boiling these days. I've been playing it online ever since it came out and while it had some issues the gameplay made them irrelevant so I rarely complained. But now with v1.3 the game is just ridiculously screwed; you can barely play the game without screaming at the monitor. The game just feels laggy, clumsy and cartoonish in comparision to newer games.
COD2 lately, i used to be may be say quite good on COD, get the top 3 in most maps. Then i didn't play for 2 years online, started again this week and now i am cannon fodder ! Getting hit more times than freshmen girl in a frat party. It used to be fun, now it is hard work !
I'll tell you what really grinds my gears. You *** captain **** you!!! :)

I dont get angry with any games really mate.. I get the pox with other people when Im playing online. Was a huge RTCW fan and have recently crossed over to ET. Why don't anyone revive on ET. That really grinds my gears!!!
PFG said:
any variety of counter shtryke BF2 prone diving and killing annoys me but i still kinda enjoy the game

TBH its called Dolphin Diving, as you look like a fish flipping on the land, and you cant do it any more.... you can still Rabit Jump but you cant shoot so not many people do :)

Now the game that realy anoys me is Oblivion, i was playing it, got a long way, realy love it... now every time i load up *Mmmm Oblivion Crashes To Desktop* :/

Fed up of getting a lot of hard earned ground kills on foot (by various methods) then never getting a medal becuase some donut in a plane has got about a 1,000 P**s easy kills plane whoring.
Raymond Lin said:
COD2 lately, i used to be may be say quite good on COD, get the top 3 in most maps. Then i didn't play for 2 years online, started again this week and now i am cannon fodder ! Getting hit more times than freshmen girl in a frat party. It used to be fun, now it is hard work !
Easy Trackmania Sunrise, that game is so hard to play one mistake can throw you off track and then its pointless continuing, someone needs to add or make a reverse time mod for the game, thats not to say its a bad game its great and the feeling of completing a track perfectly is awesome, but when your attempting a track for the 20th time it gets annoying.
SWG here too. Would have been better if they'd just shut it down completely rather than taking it away and giving it back broken :mad:
Not the main game but the final boss on Metroid Prime.

Took so long to kill + if you failed, yes that's right back to the start again. :(
The only game that makes me angry at the moment is Pro Evo 5 :mad:. Great fun to play but with so many faults and problems, it is incredibly frustrating!!!
I had a rage incident with Pes 3 that ended up with me having one burnt disk and one broken ps2..

Lately Ive been doing pretty well on PES 5 on master league 6* having only worked up to a relatively good team compared to having to wait til ive trained up superstars :)

cant think of many other games that frustrate me so much - I think i usually get bored and turn them off these days if its not PES...
***_captain said:
As per title, what games really grind your gears?

Any of the Championship Manager titles from CM2 upwards. The game just got so annoying when you were 3-0 up then lose your two best strikers for six months each in the same match, then lose 4-3 (was Liverpool vs Man. Utd).

Not too sure how it is since the split since I moved away from management games.
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If were allowed just certain parts of games then mine is the race track level from Mafia! That took me about 40 attempts to come first but I was determined to do it, or die trying.
no particular game really gets me angry.

It annoys me with games like SWG that was once a great game is now pap and that games like Warrior Kings are allowed to be publish in such a god awful state that you can even advance past level 2 without downloading someone elses save game.

Its other people that annoy me, idiots that use dirty tactics to increase there points. Bunnyhopping, constantly bellyflopping, spawn killers, plane whores etc etc.

Use a little bit of honour when playing a game, its not just about points its about fun, and for others too not just for yourself. I will not spawn kill, if i find myself in a spawn point i retreat slightly and give the opposition a chance. Its more fun.
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