I just dont understand why people think this game is so damn good when its utterly flawed.
If somone took this games looks/infantry and made it a touch more realistic it would be the best larger scale FPS ever.
i got killed by a prone diving AT missile guy earlier that just about sums up how much this game annoys me. (yes he missiled me as he dived through the air)
FOOLISHLY i thought id drop to one knee ironsight and take careful aim and fire off controlled burts of 2-3 bullets.
What i should have done was jump 7 foot backwards, then 10 feet left then dived to prone while firing automatically.
If somone took this games looks/infantry and made it a touch more realistic it would be the best larger scale FPS ever.
i got killed by a prone diving AT missile guy earlier that just about sums up how much this game annoys me. (yes he missiled me as he dived through the air)
FOOLISHLY i thought id drop to one knee ironsight and take careful aim and fire off controlled burts of 2-3 bullets.
What i should have done was jump 7 foot backwards, then 10 feet left then dived to prone while firing automatically.