Why would I play it in ultrawide? I don't even have ultrawide screenYou probably did not play it in ultrawide.
So this is about games you initially thought were good, but then went on and on and became a grind to finish
My example:
I started Playing Dying Light 2 a few weeks ago, at first I thought it was excellent but I'm up to 60 hours on it now, and its really starting to get samey as hell, and that's after unlocking a lot of fast travel and the parachute to help get around.
I started outright skipping a lot of the side quests an cutscene dialogue that isn't story related just to speed things up (and I don't usually do that)
I could quite happily just delete it from my hard drive and never play it again at this point.
Another example I can think of from a few years ago is: Metal Gear Solid: The Phantom Pain. According to Steam I played that for 109 hours! And was so glad when the credits eventually rolled
Just reading that was like getting hit with the needle of nostalgia. The first time completed Vice City was back in 2003 when I was at university and I went on to play it again several more times as I liked it that much. San Andreas at first seemed like an improvement over Vice City but it get repetitive everytime I had to stop what I was doing and fight to hold my terrority, in the end I gave up on it.This is like me with most Rockstar games to be honest!
Completed GTA 3, and Vice City. Never completed San Andreas.
probably the last 10 assassins creed games - tediously dull.
I've played 3 of them and didn't manage to finish any.
In fact I was bored of Odyssey after only about 10 hours and never went back to it.
Just reading that was like getting hit with the needle of nostalgia. The first time completed Vice City was back in 2003 when I was at university and I went on to play it again several more times as I liked it that much. San Andreas at first seemed like an improvement over Vice City but it get repetitive everytime I had to stop what I was doing and fight to hold my terrority, in the end I gave up on it.
Loved The Division.
Played through all the story content and enjoyed every minute of it. After that it became clear that it was just a circling grind for gear that sucked all the life out of it for me.