Games that surprised you

18 Jul 2012
I bought Deus Ex: Human Revolution a few years ago just for something new to play, i didn't read any reviews or see any gameplay before purchasing it.

I know of the Deus Ex games but not overly interested in it tbh at the time.

I played HR and was stunned, the gameplay was incredible, the story was amazing and the characters were awesome and the, the soundtrack was stunning.


I completed it, i have only played this game for a total of 8 hours and to this day i still think about it as one of the best gaming experiences i have ever had, and i only played it for 8 hours!!

I completed it and thought wow, what a perfectly crafted game, i didn't need to replay it, it was too perfect the first time.

Anyone else had an experience like this with a game?
The last game that surprised me was a long time ago... Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay. Still the finest FPS I've played, ahead of Halflife 1/2.

EDIT: Actually, I change my mind. I'd forgotten about Mafia 2. Didn't expect much at all but loved every minute. I think 3 will be contender for game of the year.
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You finished Deus EC hr in 8 hours, how's that possible?

I thought it was longer too but my steam page says "you've played 8 hours"
and i have the achievements to prove completion

But it did feel longer, but i was addicted to that game, i completed in a matter of days
Deus Ex HR was a good game but far from perfectly crafted :/

It was easy, linear, you can kill the final boss in literally 10 seconds, the game helped you too much and the bit that really frustrated me is that it doesn't matter what you do in the game, you just pick an ending.

It doesn't help that i'm a big fan of the first Deus Ex.

Had no idea what it was or what it was about but I bought it anyway. Never read any reviews or seen gameplay and it's one of the best games I've played.
The Witcher. This is way back when, you know before Witcher was a famous IP. I'd never heard of the game, the name made it sound like some cheap wannabe magic IP from some unknown polish studio... but fugg my life it turned out to be one of the best games I'd ever played and one of my favourite IPs.
Quite a few: Quake; Deus Ex (first one); S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl; F.E.A.R.; Far Cry (first one again).....and so on. :)

Oh, and DOOM. :D
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Diablo 3, never been into games like that, they all looked boring to me, and if i had seen a video of d3 before release i would have said it looks boring too, but after half an hour i was hooked. I think it helped i had loads of friends who play games like that so they were very excited about it.
Quite a few: Quake; Deus Ex (first one); S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl; F.E.A.R.; Far Cry (first one again).....and so on. :)

All of these, after reading about them in tablet-like things called magazines. They were made of tree carcass iirc!
The last game that surprised me was a long time ago... Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay. Still the finest FPS I've played, ahead of Halflife 1/2.

EDIT: Actually, I change my mind. I'd forgotten about Mafia 2. Didn't expect much at all but loved every minute. I think 3 will be contender for game of the year.

I'm glad you said Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay because its one of the few games I ever think about playing again after playing all the way through, it really is better than it ever got credit for, a quality game.
Dark souls

I bought a Ps3 for Demons souls, but at the time I gave up on it too easily as I couldn't understand what I was meant to be doing.

Bought Dark souls in a vain attempt to rekindle the series but I still couldn't get into it. However after coming back to it for a second time I read a guide so I could get some items and haven't looked back since.

Really is one of the best games I have ever played, up there with Fallout 3 and I've clocked 75 hours on it, took me a while to finish but really enjoyed myself which I can't say for a lot of SP games

Just waiting to finish college before I delve into 3 properly :D
For me it's generally indie titles that really surprise me. When you are used to AAA visuals it's easy to expect less from them, but every now and then a little gem of a game pops out.

Of note, I would say Brothers: a tale of two sons was an amazing game that I think I picked up in a bundle or something. Ive played it through 3 times now.

My first foray into telltale games with the walking dead also took me by surprise. A point and click game that could make me care that much about the characters? Epic.

Limbo as well, so subtle and understated.

Rocket league, for its simplicity and madness.

Saints row 3 for its raw fun factor and irreverence.

I don't think a big franchise AAA game has surprised me in a while besides that (well, maybe witcher 3 because it redefined the standard of rpg games for me, but I did expect it to be good)
Assetto Corsa considering that a team of 4 people made it

Edit however TWD wins it for me. Never played a story driven game like that before. Such an amazing dialogue, storyline, choices and as someone who has never watched the TV series it was a refreshing change from the mundane choice of games. It was also the first time I was eager to play the next episode and get involved in proactive discussions about it.
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Assassin's Creed Syndicate. The series lost it's way. The gameplay was horrid. Really poor, and it was obvious what was wrong with it. Syndicate came along and it was like they had listened to every single complaint and they fixed them all imo.

I think it is a great game.

I would also add Bastion as well. Never expected to get so in to it!
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