Games that surprised you

Portal surprised me - not to say it is particularly great but I'm totally not one for puzzle type games and didn't think the premise could hold my attention either - but I found it fairly enjoyable and the challenges weren't irritating as too often the case. Sadly the second game I got bored of quite quickly.
Witcher 1 surprised me too - I often picked it up while in stores and always put it down thinking it looked terrible. Not sure what made me get it but it sucked me in completely and the bonus cd of nightwish gave me a new band to listen to.

Fallout 3 was a similar story, I thought the box art screenshots terrible.

Farming simulator 2013, expected a 10 minute wonder of ploughing a field, 200+ hours later I still enjoy it.
Games ive been most suprised about. Mirrors Edge, fun relatively fast gameplay with an art style that was beautiful.
Bulletstorm, plenty of mindless linear fps action, coupled with humor and fairly interesting leash mechanic.
Saints Row 2, didnt know much about the SR series before this, plenty of humor but was also dark and gritty compaired to later in the series.

Had no idea what it was or what it was about but I bought it anyway. Never read any reviews or seen gameplay and it's one of the best games I've played.

Was going to say this one. Rented it many years back on the 360, thoroughly enjoyed it. Finally got round to buying it on Steam again cheap just recently but it won't launch for some reason.
It would have to be doom for me, nothing at the time was quiet like it. Dragged my pc round to my mates for a 1v1 was just amazing. Followed by UT99.
Agreed on Singularity, such a great game

Mine for me is Life Is Strange. I got it quite late on sale (which is weird as I love all the Telltale games) and I just ABSORBED it. Played it all in one day and absolutely loved it, can't wait to see what they make next. I don't think any game has affected me so much.
Games surprise me all the time.

I'm consistently blown away by the quality of modern gaming and the huge variety of ideas and styles going around that are being executed at a really quality level.

I knew I'd like it before I bought it but not as much as I expected. It's one of the very few games I've played more than once and one of maybe 4 or 5 that I've played more than twice. It's also a rare game where the DLC for it is as good as the main game.
Spec Ops: The Line, looked set up to be a generic shooter. turned out to have an amazing story and choices that weren't the obvious blue means good red means bad.
I'm glad you said Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay because its one of the few games I ever think about playing again after playing all the way through, it really is better than it ever got credit for, a quality game.

I assume you mean in terms of people buying it as iirc it got very well reviewed
It's also a rare game where the DLC for it is as good as the main game.

I'm not sure about this tbh. I think dlc is quite often of at least the same quality as the base game nowadays, and is often better when changes are made based on fan feedback. Dishonored is a good example for this, and Deus Ex HR. Both feature the best area design in the games imo and in the case of Deus Ex they improved it in other ways like listening to criticism on the bosses ans making this one a lot better.

The Witcher 3 has a big expansion coming out with lots of improvements, Dark souls 2 did the same with it's dlc, really listening to the criticism the game got and making great improvements. Far Harbour for Fallout 4 looks to address a lot of the issues people had with the main game, and looks better than it already tbh.

I think in general dlc, when done right, is of a higher quality than the base game in a lot of cases nowadays... Except for Bioware games of course!
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Mafia 1, back when everyone used local game shops but this big new cheap site called came along and saw it there for like £17 pre order! Turned out to be an amazing game which I put lots of hours in.

This for me too. I was vaguely aware of the game, but didn't pick it up until it was going for peanuts on Steam last year. Once started I was hooked and completed it in two session over a weekend. Absolutely excellent from start to finish.
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