Games(tm) Reviews (Fifa 08 vs PE2008) / R&C / Super Mario / Timeshift and more!

20 Apr 2004
As what I thought might be the start of a fun new monthly multiformat review discussion thingie, here are the latest Games(tm) review scores(popped through my door 10 mins ago):

Orange Box (review split into 3) ~ 9 (Portal everything else in the Orange Box, you simply must own)
Timeshift ~ 5 (A boring interpretation of an interesting idea)
R&C: Tools of destruction ~ 6 (Enjoyable but dated)

WipEout Pulse ~ 7 (It's just not that important)
Thrillville: Off the rails ~ 7 (A definite improvement over the original)
TH: Proving ground ~ 7 (Solid but not spectacular)
WWE Smackdown! Vs RAW 2008 ~ 6 (Improving gradually, but far from perfect)
Rockstar Presents Table Tennis Wii ~ 8 (A triumph of control)
Ace Combat 6 ~ 7 (Great action, bizarre story, lots of fun)
Clive Barkers Jericho ~ 5 (It's solid)
Conan ~ 6 (A welcome suprise)
Super Mario Galaxy ~ 9 (A landmark videogame)
Eye of Judgement ~ 5 (Far too greedy for it's own good)
Fifa 08 ~ 8 (It's been a long time coming)
PE 2008 ~ 7 (In serious need of a lick of paint)

Some discussions in there me thinks!

Fifa 08 wins, Timeshift & Jericho ones to miss (I called it), Orange Box does as we all knew it would, Wii wins as Super Mario Galaxy delivers and more PS3 superhype underdeliverers?
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Surprised at the score for Ratchet & Clank. It looks stunning, infact, I've got an order in for it. I've told McDaniel to pick me one up from Miami, which he duly obliged (cheers mate).

However, Games(tm) are one of the most brutally honest magazines out there, so it's hard not to accept their reviews. It's nice to see a magazine not buckle under rating PES lower than Fifa (GamesMaster - I'm looking at you, you big disgrace of a magazine), though 7 out of 10 is still too high.
Plenty of mid-marks there, which I would have expected.
Above average for Ace Combat, which is a nice surprise.
Good to see a return to form for Mario Galaxy, though Sunshine did get good marks at launch too...

The Orange Box should have been 10 out of 10 though, £40 for 5 games of exceptional quality is unheard of, so to rate it 9 is a shame.
I dunno - do you review the whole package or each game? I wouldn't give any of the Orange Box games more than a 9 sperately.
I dunno - do you review the whole package or each game? I wouldn't give any of the Orange Box games more than a 9 sperately.

That's what they've done. Whether you should review it as a whole or seperate is a debate in itself:

Half Life 2 Episode One ~ 9
Half Life 2 Episode Two ~ 9
Portal ~ 9
TF will be given an online review next issue and Half Life 2 had already gotten a 9.

So.. 9 it is.
definately agree with the fifa08 and pro evo scores, played pro last night and i was just aching to put FIFA back in.

im really interested in Ace Combat too, so good to see that got some good scores!
Portal while fantastic is deffo not a 9 stand alone.
Its just too short and as someone said in another thread easy till you get to the advanced stuff.

Orange box is a solid 9 overall (even if HL2 is showing its age abit now) but the sorter elements would not stand up for sale solo on the 360.

I really liked Conan and it was a good 6-7 hrs of hack and slashing maybe more a 7 than a 6 in my opinion mindless fun with blood dismemberment and a bit of flesh.

Fifa/PES I like this version of PES more than the last is all I can say really. havent played it enough to make my mind up yet.
Ratchet and Clank is the one that surprises me, I played the Demo and loved it, so much I have it coming on import atm.
IGN just reviewed it and gave it 9.4 (not that that means much) but still they must have thought it pretty good at least.

I'm an owner of all 3 consoles and Galaxy is by FAR my most wanted game.

We should feel sorry for the people that don't get Mario games - it must be a grey, joyless existence!


I got sick of Mario after the SNES :) That fat git has his fingers in too many pies as far as I'm concerned :p
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