Doom / Doom II
C&C Redalert / OpenRA
Soldier of fortune 2
Medal of honour allied assault
Battlefield 2
Call of duty Warzone / Modern Warfare (1008 hours)
It's hard to track most of the older games.
Doom and C&C Redalert i've played on and off since the 90s.
Doom I and II there have been a few different mods like brutal doom which I completed a few yeaers ago on Ultra Violence, zdoom and master levels.
Most recently i'm playing OpenRA which is still played constantly by quite a few people and has an active community on
SOF2 and then MOHAA were the first multiplayer games I put serious time into.
BF2 was the first team/squad based game with VOIP and specific roles. I was in 50klicks clan for a few years and had some great 50k vs OcUK matches
Modern Warfare / Warzone is my main game now and worked wonders over all the lockdowns. It was my main form of speaking to friends (and a couple random guys) id not spoken to / see in years. We've had a couple meet ups (in real life) It's strange seeing people you have never seen before but speak to almost everyday for over a year.
At a team in Warzone we were / are not the best but use it more as a social thing. Talking rubbish and dropping in into the Verdansk park bunker as a quads to pistol whip a few kids was the perfect way to relieve lockdown stress