Games you've invested >500 hours in

In order of hours:
RAID:Shadow Legends (mobile/PC game - free to play, pay to win) By far the most time I've spent on any game, and because I've never spent a penny on it, the trade off for that is time. Coming up on 18 months of playing 2 accounts without missing a single day, and it's multiple hours per day.

Streetfighter 2 and it's variants, champion edition, hyper fighting, super sf2 - my teenage years were wasted on this game.

Skyrim - multiple play throughs in all different styles. I'm due to play through it again, but I haven't turned on my console to play a game in going on a year.
Ultima Online
Half-life (Deathmatch)
Dark Age of Camelot
World of Warcraft
Medieval Total War II
Star Citizen

Ones on steam for me:
Bannerlord (1200hrs just now)
ARK (991hours)
Only CS:S (around 2000 hours) and that was back on my old steam profile that had just the Orange Box on it basically.

Battlefield and CoD games and BL2 come close all in the region of 300-400 hours.
My top 10 -
  1. Star Wars Galaxies *when it was still officially running* - 3000+ hours easily
  2. World of Warcraft - 2616 hours
  3. Destiny 2 - 1,697 hours
  4. Star Wars The Old Republic - 1574 hours
  5. Elite Dangerous - 606 hours
  6. The Division 1 - 297 hours
  7. The Division 2 - 189 hours
  8. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - 152 hours
  9. Batman Arkham Knight - 65 hours
  10. Alien Isolation - 57 hours
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I forgot about Quake 3!, although I never got into it as the standard CTF mod wasn't the same rush as Q2. I must have clocked up the hours in mods like Rocket Arena and Capture Strike. QuakeLive a bit but I lack the time. I have a mate who has a CRT monitor and has clocked over 4500 hours in QL. I dont think I'll be able to catch up to that :)
Only one, Tekken 7 with 1500h and recently went back to get better (Steam playtime probably not accurate). Honestly can't wait for 8 with proper rebalancing and better netcode with no stupid guest chars or 2d nonsense.
So, I could be wrong but didn't they say 7 was the last one just before it was released?

TBH I don't remember what they said but I doubt 8 won't happen, especially that they stopped releasing content for 7 now so maybe they'll reveal something about 8 in the upcoming months. I hope that's the case at least:p
These are my Steam stats. With the Stalker games I will have easily doubled those numbers via GOG and DVD versions.

Stalker Call of Pripyat: 3,010 hrs
Stalker Clear Sky: 957 hrs
Civ 6: 906 hrs
Fallout 4: 899 hrs
Warstone TD: 762 hrs
Deadlight: 593 hrs
Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl: 574 hrs
Lord of the Rings online - played it most days for around 5 years - until it went F2P and all the quests were dolled out using a cookie cutter.
World of warships: 956hrs
Mechwarrior online: 822hrs
Elite Dangerous: 677hrs

Got a few coming close below that (BF BC2, Rocket League, chivalry and payday 2).

Seems I like a good grind.
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