Gaming Life after CSS

22 Sep 2005
Anyone else have a problem with getting into other games after playing CSS for so long?

so far ive wasted a lot of money on games i never play because they dont feel like CSS and dont act the way i want
Far Cry
BF2 ( just demo, and at mates house)
all nice looking games but i feel like CSS has ruined them all for me lol
anyone else feel the same?
if you can handle None FPS...

then world of warcraft will take your gaming life.

it destroyed my CS addiction :D
Jees yes, try other genres. The world isn't made up of FPS games you know.

If you enjoyed the competitive aspects of CSS then try StarCraft for an RTS style game.
MMORPGs are evil, evil things :)

I wasted over 2 years on Asheron's Call before I managed to kick the addiction. Not every playing another MMORPG ever ever again...
Lol :p

I remember my friend's experience chain in asheron's call... Watching them log in and instantly going up about 10 levels... scary stuff.

...and broken. Thankfully they nerfed that eventually :)
You cant break the addiction of cs, other games may temp you for a while but in the end you will thing " Ill just have a quick game for old time sake" end up owning 46/3 and thats it your suck playing it for another year. Owning noobs is too much fun!!!!
I've never really been into online games. They just don't hold my interest like single player games do. So I've never got an addiction to gaming. Maybe try more single player games, so you don't always compare them to CSS.
I had the same problem, I bought loads of games and if it didn't feeel like CSS i found it hard to play but i managed to conquer my CSS addiction but unfortuantly my gaming addiction went with it. Ah well.
not so much the fact im addicted to CSS... i am, even though i made a 'ive done it./.. kicked my CSS addiction' thread a while back lol and now look at me :P'

im talking more about just not liking other FPS games bacause they dont compare.

ive enjoyed C+C many times and still doo occasionaly, but my heart is in FPS games rly
Hmm kinda opposite for me..

BF2 has killed my CS:S addiction.. although I do still play it, but just never more than 20 mins or so..
Kreeeee said:
Jees yes, try other genres. The world isn't made up of FPS games you know.

If you enjoyed the competitive aspects of CSS then try StarCraft for an RTS style game.

I wonder if you could go 1 week without typing starcraft :p

I would say try out some RPGs, oblivion/WoW/Guild wars etc.
The problem with RPGs is he is going to go from one addiction to another. I LOVE CSS and Oblivion. I nearly died when I got my new rig built because I had neither installed lol.

I do understand what hes getting at though. For me its the realism, for want of a better word. Mostly with the aiming etc. In most FPSs you only need to point approximately in the direction of the enemy [HL2 especially] even if auto-aim or equivalent is switched off.

In CSS if you're not spot on you aint going to hit them. Pretty much the reason why people love getting headshots - its not always easy to do. You get a better thrill if you like when you kill someone in CSS too because you know the guy you just owned is another REAL LIFE person and not just some AI.

And thats the other big part of CSS - its a bunch of guys [and girls sometimes :eek:] having a laugh while they do their best to kill each other lol.

That is my take on it at least :)

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