Gaming Life after CSS

Hmm sounds like you're still in the grip of cs addiction tbh. Just play some more cs you know you want to.
In terms of multiplayer it's pretty common for people to get stuck on one game. I'm still playing Quakeworld (a 9.5 year old game) because modern FPS just don't match up in terms of teamplay/speed/netcode etc for me.... in fact I've just come back from spectating 4v4 clangames for an hour and a half :)

Basically if you play a game for any length of time and get reasonably good at it, you feel in tune with the weapons/maps/'feel', and it become hard to get into other games of a similar type - at least at first.

So basically I haven't played any mutiplayer FPS apart from QW for like, I dunno, 4 years maybe? I just concentrate on singleplayer when I fancy something different now.
As I said I can't seem to play Source for longer than 20 mins or so without getting bored.

Dust 1&2 make up about 80% of the games and it's annoying as hell, there are much better maps but they are rarely used in servers.

BF2 however, I can find myself on that for hours and then only quitting because I HAVE to rather than wanting to. :D
CSS is awful anyway, however, PC gaming is REALLY stale at the moment.

If you want an awesome game to play, then Fahrenheit is the game to get. Best game of last year!
I don't really find it a problem. I usually play css at the weekends with a few beers and play all my single players games during the week.

css is a great game but there are plentry more out there ;)

Maybe you should try a non-fps or something completely different ;)
Hlebio said:
BF2 however, I can find myself on that for hours and then only quitting because I HAVE to rather than wanting to. :D
I can't put up with BF2 either at the moment, full of people who constantly base rape.....
I am heavily addicted to BF2 and have been since 1 second past 9am day of release.
Proof here.
In excess of 850 hours played and still i played it for hours yesterday and will today.
Nothing compares to BF2.
Source was/is good but is a tiny game compared to BF2. Tiny maps with tiny minded players.
Buy BF2 and forget Source.
its deffo the feel of CSS i like.
playing GRAW and FARCRY ... i LOVE the graphics and thats really important to me, but still i just feel as if im controling a morbidly obese man, who cant really move all that well ( even with the sensitivity UP)

fair wnought CSS aint THAT realistic, but as someone said before its the joy tou get out of knowuing it is tricky to get a headshot etc.
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