12 Jul 2019
preferably = ???

can you DIY or do you want a prebuilt?
one is obviously better value than the other.
Im sure i could but i dont know what components are compatible, so i was hoping theres a machine already on the market thats decent enough and wouldent cost a lot more and can be upgraded in the future ? Or am i dreaming and a self built machine is the way to go
Man of Honour
26 May 2012
well, if you go with an OEM machine (ie like dell/hp/alienware etc) - these are normally locked down and aren't as overclockable/upgradeable like one from a custom reseller like ocuk etc.
but if you get a prebuilt from ocuk (or other etailers) then the build cost is normally in the region of £40-100 on top of component costs. but the good thing is that the warranty is for the whole build, so if the computer goes wrong - just send it back to them to troubleshoot and fix.
if you can DIY build, this is usually the best value...but that being said - there is a small chance that things can go wrong (eg bios, components DOA) that you'll need to troubleshoot if you DIY. and if something goes wrong, it'll be up to you to troubleshoot...though warranty in general wouldn't be much of an issue as each component will carry along with it, a warranty. it's the troubleshooting that some people don't want to deal with...and as such will pay the extra premium for a prebuilt.
12 Jul 2019
well, if you go with an OEM machine (ie like dell/hp/alienware etc) - these are normally locked down and aren't as overclockable/upgradeable like one from a custom reseller like ocuk etc.
but if you get a prebuilt from ocuk (or other etailers) then the build cost is normally in the region of £40-100 on top of component costs. but the good thing is that the warranty is for the whole build, so if the computer goes wrong - just send it back to them to troubleshoot and fix.
if you can DIY build, this is usually the best value...but that being said - there is a small chance that things can go wrong (eg bios, components DOA) that you'll need to troubleshoot if you DIY. and if something goes wrong, it'll be up to you to troubleshoot...though warranty in general wouldn't be much of an issue as each component will carry along with it, a warranty. it's the troubleshooting that some people don't want to deal with...and as such will pay the extra premium for a prebuilt.
Thats the headache im trying to avoid lol ..,i want something i can use straight out the box but i can upgrade in the just unddcided on a brand/model
Man of Honour
26 May 2012
1 Apr 2014
Ah, you mentioned the dreaded 4k. You are going to have a lot of people who should know better tell you that it's not achievable on your budget, but a £1000 system will play games at 4k just fine as long as you are willing to turn down the settings a notch or two (no AA, no Hairworks, High graphics rather than Ultra etc), and will happily play older games at 4k on max settings.
1 Dec 2015
should be £1k - £50 build minus OS installed .

navi card will sell well once after market/AIB cards come in . blower versions are a bit shocking - under water and extra power shows that the 5700XT Listed above can beat £120 more rtx 2070 super !

My basket at Overclockers UK:
Total: £948.15 (includes shipping: £12.30)​
1 Dec 2015
So the geforce rtx 2060 would be a better card ?

Navi in words of AIB them selves ... A bit of a let down .
Good performance yet for 7nm it runs hotter then it should and higher price tag - due to needless PCIe 4.0 interface . £50 cheaper and boom good card, specially if they would have used a better cooling solution.

Now underwater and tweaking. It's a different animal , so wait for AIB cards if your going Navi /RX 5700 .

Also, referred blower card is 40dB + loud !
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