Gaming Win XP Theme

Turbanation said:
Anybody know any good XP themes so I can access games easy.

BTW it has to look good. :D


Although it replaces the explorer shell, it is lighter on the resources, and can be set up in a rather nice way, which could theoretically give you faster access to games.
Plus-44 said:
I suppose you could have an objectdock set up just with the games in!


Another vote for Objectdock - I've got all my regularly used Apps and Games in an objectdock bar on the left hand side of my screen set to autohide. No clutter and 1 click access.
messiah khan said:
Does RK launcher have dual screen support?

Nope not to my undertanding, but if you set your secondary monitor as primary, you can get it on your second monitor....

I am using RK Launcher too, here is the screenshot of the resources it uses on my system:

Much less than ObjectDock which uses to use up to 4x as much
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If you have a logitech keyboard install setpoint and have menus fly out when you press a programmable button giving you an endless choice of files/programs/tools/menus etc etc whatever you please really.
mrk said:
If you have a logitech keyboard install setpoint and have menus fly out when you press a programmable button giving you an endless choice of files/programs/tools/menus etc etc whatever you please really.

Does this work well in practise....if so what software do you use for it?....the menus i mean?
i just have a windows toolbar stretched across the top of my screen. it's the desktop folder and it's set to 'always on top' so it doesn't get covered by any app. :)


zero resource usage... :p
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