Garlic breath...

27 Jan 2005
Nr. Norwich, Norfolk
Hey all,

After a very enjoyable night out yesterday, which involved a trip to Nandos, I have now awoken with apparently foul garlic breath, ripe for college in an hour :eek: .

Now I rarely eat any garlic at all, so I've no idea if there's anything that can help my plight. I believe parsley is meant to have some stench-dampening effect? Might have to pop by Sainsburys on the way in and get a plant :o .

Anyone any ideas?

Thanks :)
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Apply thin layer to tongue

Have a shower, eat some parsley, brush your teeth and tongue, suck on a mint and don't get too close to others. Alternatively, eat more garlic in general; this is a good idea in general. Firstly, it is very good for you and secondly, if you eat a lot of it eventually you won't get garlic breath.
If I have bad breath I chew a garlic clove, oh you don't want to smeell of garlic. Peel and eat and onionb, that should over power it.
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