Garlic breath...

Thanks for all your replies everyone! I managed to have a skim through before dashing. :)

AJUK said:
Have a shower, eat some parsley, brush your teeth and tongue, suck on a mint and don't get too close to others.

That's basically the strategy I adopted in the end; I also drank lots of water too (not sure what that's worth, but I do it most days anyway). I think I can safely say I survived that day without any serious reprocusions, despite the funny looks I got from the Sainsbury checkout staff when buying packs of parsley :p .

AJUK said:
Alternatively, eat more garlic in general; this is a good idea in general. Firstly, it is very good for you and secondly, if you eat a lot of it eventually you won't get garlic breath.

Wow, is the second point true? Very interesting if so.

Skidmark said:
He's already said he's in a hurry!

Heh, I actually quite liked that :D.

eXor said:
Chicken? Turkey? Duck? :p
:o *rushes to edit*

I was in a hurry that morning...

Thanks again everyone!
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