Gauntlet Remake

I remember playing this for hours at a time with my cuz on the Spectrum.

Albeit i was probably pretty young at the time i still think this is a must buy! lol
This swallowed my paper round money on a Saturday morning in the local Arcade, was great for 6 weeks till the school ****/idiot broke the joysticks on purpose.

I remember his face to this day when he did it, hope he has had a **** life :)

Definite buy for me :)
Memories of playing this on the Atari ST with 3 mates via the 4 player joystick connection.

A mate of mine then had a new ST which could read dual sided floppies and there was a load of new levels compared to my single sided drive ST.
I can still remember that on the Spectrum, holding down symbol shift (a key which doesn't even exist on PC keyboards!), you could walk through walls.
Memories of playing this on the Atari ST with 3 mates via the 4 player joystick connection.

A mate of mine then had a new ST which could read dual sided floppies and there was a load of new levels compared to my single sided drive ST.
Yeah those ports undearth were a massive PITA as they usually broke after a while due to swaping mouse/joystick unless you bought the extenders.
"Blue Wizard shot the food" was our favourite speech as it was always when you had that last food block to get to survive further and one of your other 3 players shot it just as you were about to get it. Agggghhh! We used to take the mick with that. Thats a bit too geeky isnt it?

Yeah bring it on.
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