Gay Pride

Went to a shop today. Large supermarket brand.
Massive posters about PRIDE... Support, whatnot.


I don't expect to see a massive HETRO... Support poster? I don't need to see one.. why do I need to have this PRIDE poster shoved in my face?

For gods sake... its 2021... Bone who you want, Lick / Scissor who you want, I DON'T care... Just stop telling me about it. Stop shoving it in my face every 5 mins.

When was the last time you were insulted / assaulted for being straight? The whole "I dont see a hetro support poster" is a terrible argument.
Once people stop being racist, stop being homophobic, stop discriminating, it will all stop. Easy.

And wrong. Also silly, given that it's never happened before and it's obviously wrong. You don't end prejudice based on X by making X the be all and end all of everything, the thing so important that it's what identifies a person, it's what they are. "they're all the same" is not the route to equality. Quite the opposite.
And wrong. Also silly, given that it's never happened before and it's obviously wrong. You don't end prejudice based on X by making X the be all and end all of everything, the thing so important that it's what identifies a person, it's what they are. "they're all the same" is not the route to equality. Quite the opposite.

Sure thing grotbags. You are entitled to identify as a nutter. :cool:
Sure thing grotbags. You are entitled to identify as a nutter. :cool:

You're wrong and you know it. That's why all you have is ad hominem. You know that your claim that promoting belief in biological group identity (which is the belief that "they're all the same") and the resulting division and prejudice based on X leads to equality is nonsense because it's such obvious nonsense. Politically useful nonsense, but nonsense none the less.
Live and let live is what I always say.

However if organisations continue to keep dividing us into groups, whether it's by gender, sexuality or race, then it makes it more and more difficult for people to do that.

You will never completely eliminate all prejudices, it's a worthwhile cause but it's fine line between promoting awareness and antagonising people who may have very different views, which is exactly what it feels like certain groups want to do, even people who are otherwise indifferent could over time build up resentment towards a group of people if their cause is forced in their face everyday.
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Once people stop being racist, stop being homophobic, stop discriminating, it will all stop. Easy.

It will never end if only because they have now slapped the T and the Q onto the alphabet people and there are now multiple internal contradictions that can lead to allegations of 'discrimination'

For example sections of the 'TQ' lot believe that homosexulaity and heterosexuality are based on 'gender identity' and not sex.

Hence female lesbians being told they are 'transphobic' for saying they don't want to have relationships with male bodied trans identified people who claim to be lesbians.

Hence the return allegation that this area of trans activism is homophobic as it denies the sex based nature of sexual attraction.

Even historically the relationship between lesbian women and gay men, as groups, could be strained and sections of both groups were also sometimes hostile to peope identifying as bisexual.

A cynic might suggest that the ulterior motive of all these identity movement groups is not to actually help the groups they purport to represent but rather to fracture and undermine society as they are thinly veiled fronts for a certain type of attempt and mass societal change.

I doubt pride parades would end as well on your mythical scenario as a component of them certainly seems unconnected to acceptance of people's sexualities and gender identities but rather an opportunity for exhibitionism.
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Once people stop being racist, stop being homophobic, stop discriminating, it will all stop. Easy.

To paraphrase - "Once people stop being hateful.............." - and then one post later the same person appearing to be being hateful to someone because they don't hold the same opinion :D -

Sure thing grotbags. You are entitled to identify as a nutter. :cool:

You don't change minds or opinions with hate, demands for subjugation or bigotry, those only create more division and hatred. You start to change them with discussion, empathy and experience which all takes time and even then it'll still never be truly successful because we're still free to make up our own minds.

A good example of shouting at people vs listening to them is Daryl Davis, a black man who over the past 35 years has de-radicalised hundreds of KKK members just by talking to them, listening to them, sharing his experiences with them and yet today he's vilified by white liberal's who call him a white supremacist because he still dares to listen to racists - so on one hand you have a man who has shown us a proven way to de-radicalise these racists and on the other you have a huge group of people who only shout hatred and division, yet somehow, for some unknown reason, they are seen as the "good guys" in this.

It's almost like they "want" to increase racism and division, why would they do that, what do they get as a benefit from creating more racism?
You're wrong and you know it. That's why all you have is ad hominem. You know that your claim that promoting belief in biological group identity (which is the belief that "they're all the same") and the resulting division and prejudice based on X leads to equality is nonsense because it's such obvious nonsense. Politically useful nonsense, but nonsense none the less.

How it it wrong. Once people stop being racists and homophobes, its over. You do like to overcomplicate things. :cry:

Righties do like to outrage.
How it it wrong. Once people stop being racists and homophobes, its over. You do like to overcomplicate things. :cry:

Righties do like to outrage.

Because people always find something else to try and make themselves special. Homosexuality is now largely accepted so it has moved on to gender identity. Once that's accepted it'll be weight, or height or whatever. There will always be something individuals use to try and gain a small slice of power or assert their uniqueness. Because just like racists can't accept we're all the same, nor can those who just have to be different but equal
How it it wrong. [..]

In the way I described (post 163, for example) and you ignored because you have no counter-argument other than ad hominem.

You advocate irrational prejudices and will continue to do so. They're not rationally supportable (obvously), so you go with ad hominem and calling anyone and everyone who isn't sufficiently obedient whatever "enemy of the people" words pop into your head at the time. Homophobe, communist, counter-revolutionary, right-wing, bourgeosie, aristocrat, whatever. Same thing - "enemy of the people" - for different times and places.

Incidentally, I'm so "left wing" I think communism is a good idea. But of course that won't matter to you even if you do bother to read before replying.

Or maybe you're trolling. If so, good job.
Incidentally, I'm so "left wing" I think communism is a good idea. But of course that won't matter to you even if you do bother to read before replying.

Or maybe you're trolling. If so, good job.
Do you mean the communisim of the likes of Russia and China? Because you certainly dont come across as left wing to me.
Incidentally, I'm so "left wing" I think communism is a good idea. But of course that won't matter to you even if you do bother to read before replying.

Or maybe you're trolling. If so, good job.

I think Communism is a nice idea, but not a realistic idea. I dated a Communist once and we had very interesting - if heated - discussions. Her dad was a Communist too so I learned a lot about it.

Ultimately I came away with the conclusion that Communism is a nice idea, but wholly impractical because it doesn't account for human nature. Communists say that the only way for the ideology to work is for the whole world to adopt Communism: the problem with that is that Communism does away with one important thing which animals are biologically wired to stick to - hierarchies. Communists will bang on about waiting for the "world revolution" when everyone becomes Communist - and that's only when it will 'work'.

It's a nice idea but is it a good idea? No, I think not, there is too much diversity in the world for it to be ever adopted in a global sense.
Do you mean the communisim of the likes of Russia and China? Because you certainly dont come across as left wing to me.

I reject the false dichotomy of left/right. Reality is far from that simple. It's just yet another thing made up to promote conflict. So while I acknowledge other people labelling themselves in that way, I don't label myself in that way. Hence my use of speech marks for "left wing" when referring to myself in the previous post.

When I do political quadrant tests out of curiosity, I generally end up around a quarter of the way into the libertarian-left quadrant, roughly equal on both axes. That's my realistic position. My idealistic position is more communist but like Lysander:

I think Communism is a nice idea, but not a realistic idea. [..]

I think communism can't be done. I'd go that far - I think it's so unrealistic that it's downright impossible and any attempt to implement it will result in a power vacuum that will be filled by a ruthless authoritarian regime and the result won't really be communism.

Maybe "good idea" was poor phrasing on my part. Not "good idea" in the sense of "we should do that". "Good idea" in the sense of "good idea, but it can't be done". Good on paper, bad in practice. I think Lysander's phrasing of "nice idea, but" is a better match to the meaning I intended.
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