Gay Pride

My point is companies can (and do) behave despicably but can hide behind this section. "We were trying to act in our members' best interests."

The thing is a) that's not what you said and b) when they say they're acting in their members best interests they're not really referencing UK law, they're referencing one of the corner stones of capitalism.

Generally speaking within corporations these days you'll find a lot more of a focus on CSR, sustainability, ethics, environmental impact etc, mainly because that's what their customers want and because thing like environmental sustainability are net positives for the whole World, including your Shinras and Weyland Yutanis.

I'm not saying that terrible things aren't done by companies, both knowingly and unknowingly (and lets be honest in the main they admit fault and sometimes even make improvements), but the concept that the only function of an organisation is to provide a return to shareholders died out decades ago.
Just the first big event that came to mind that was on a global scale.

Let's use the Olympics then I don't think the athletes celebrate until they have won right?

Serious question, do you have any special needs? A learning disability or non neurotypical brain?

I ask because this is a really really easy concept to understand, but you’ve just asked what is essentially the same question again but using a different equally inappropriate analogy. It’s ok if you do, I’m “neurodiverse” myself. I just want to be sure you aren’t just being disingenuous.
Huh, where is there a law that says a publicly listed company in the UK must maximise returns to shareholders?

Large companies are almost universally scummy as hell and will do pretty much anything to maximise profits because the people making decisions benefit directly from having the morals of a cat. All these companies doing their pride month thing is just another marketing ploy. The vast majority of them that operate in China as well as the UK don't put pride or anti racism related in China because it won't play well.

Indeed. These same large companies supporting Pride with PR lip services are frequently giving money to anti lgbtq rights politicians. It’s utterly disgusting and should, and is, be called out.
Indeed. These same large companies supporting Pride with PR lip services are frequently giving money to anti lgbtq rights politicians. It’s utterly disgusting and should, and is, be called out.

Its why we have the phrase "actions speak louder than words" or at least we used to. Now we are so obsessed with optics and saying the right thing that actually doing the right thing comes a distant last.

Most large companies would happily sacrifice their employees first born child if it made a difference to their profits. If you ever wonder why a company is doing something just ask yourself, what do they gain from this and how are they offsetting any profit lost.
Its why we have the phrase "actions speak louder than words" or at least we used to. Now we are so obsessed with optics and saying the right thing that actually doing the right thing comes a distant last.

Most large companies would happily sacrifice their employees first born child if it made a difference to their profits. If you ever wonder why a company is doing something just ask yourself, what do they gain from this and how are they offsetting any profit lost.

You are off your **** when it comes to talking about these kind of things.

It’s got nothing to do with ideology…

It's got everything to do with an ideology you support. So of course you don't like the overt racism being pointed out - it's marginally inconvenient to your ideology to be so honest and crude about its racism, at least for now.

The ending of chronic abuse, hatred and discrimination against gay people is something to be fought for and celebrated.

Nicely done piece of deflection there. You completely deflected the challenge to the idea of biological group identity (aka "they're all the same") and superiority that you support so passionately.
Not directly. The main argument was whether it should be allowed on pizza. With or without pineapple.
Now lookie here, I'm fine with what people get up to in the privacy of their own home, but pineapple on pizza? You've gone too far i tell'ya, too far...when will this madness ever end..;)
Now lookie here, I'm fine with what people get up to in the privacy of their own home, but pineapple on pizza? You've gone too far i tell'ya, too far...when will this madness ever end..;)

The next step is obviously pine kernels and apples. Baked apples, of course. Raw apples on pizza would be uncivilised!
Not directly. The main argument was whether it should be allowed on pizza. With or without pineapple.

With or without. Either are fine. Not really a point for discussion. The Hawaiian is the most refined pizza known to Man. It's an epicure's delight.
That moment when you have to check which thread you're looking at.

Gay Pride to Pizza!? :confused:

I'll have the one with sausage... :eek:
Just 2-3% of the UK identify as being LGBTQ+ and I'm sure that the vast majority of that 2-3% just want to get on with their lives in peace and quiet, so it's odd to see the amount of friction a very vocal section of that tiny minority can cause and how much support from multi-billion dollar companies this tiny vocal minority of an already tiny minority gets whilst still complaining about a lack of support.

The ending of chronic abuse, hatred and discrimination against gay people is something to be fought for and celebrated.

Yet below is an example of chronic abuse, hatred and discrimination against another minority there @hurfdurf (white over-weight patriotic men whose opinions you disagree with). So to play devils advocate, if you think it's perfectly OK for you to post chronic abuse, hatred and discrimination against a minority that you don't like, then why do you think it's not OK for others to do the same against people they don't like, isn't that just hypocrisy there :D? I mean shouldn't we all try to be less bigoted, wouldn't that make the world a nicer place, or have the bigots on both sides won with the amount of hate they create?

It’s because the kind of over weight flag shaggers that drink too much in the sun then go out and rage about nonsensical things look like large pieces of gammon. It’s that’s simple. Very much like a Karen.
Went to a shop today. Large supermarket brand.
Massive posters about PRIDE... Support, whatnot.


I don't expect to see a massive HETRO... Support poster? I don't need to see one.. why do I need to have this PRIDE poster shoved in my face?

For gods sake... its 2021... Bone who you want, Lick / Scissor who you want, I DON'T care... Just stop telling me about it. Stop shoving it in my face every 5 mins.
Went to a shop today. Large supermarket brand.
Massive posters about PRIDE... Support, whatnot.

Why? [..]

For the supermarket, conforming to expectations from a powerful ideology in order to maintain or increase profit.
For the ideology, power and/or ideology.

It's what biological group pride ideologies are for, whatever the chosen biological group is. This particular variant of the ideology is powerful in many places now. Different variants have been or are powerful in other times and places. Same old, same old. Maybe one day humanity will grow out of it and each person will be treated as a person rather than a biological group identity in a hierarchy. Maybe. "Not by the colour of their skin but by the content of their character" and all that. A lovely dream. A shame people have gained power by corrupting it, but that's humans for you.
Now a really clever company could rebrand a product like soap powder with a big rainbowy box and make a killing off the back of all this.

"Have Pride in your wash".

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