*** GB News *** (stay on topic!)

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He was just pointing out the hypocrisy that exists, it's fair game to throw around racial insults towards white people but do so towards other races and its racist. The same goes for religion you can mock Christianity all you like but say a word against Islam and you're censored and cancelled and called an Islamophobe. The left do seem to believe in free speech and right to offend but only when it suits them, their ideology actually tolerates racism just along as its against the white majority.
Gammon is no more a derogatory word for white as urban describes black people.
it's fair game to throw around racial insults towards white people but do so towards other races and its racist.

I didn't realise "British right-wingers who get very red in the face when arguing their point" were considered a race?

Though I agree too much mockery of Christianity goes completely unchecked/is actively encouraged (plenty of it on these very forums, in fact) in comparison to how other religions are treated.
All the lefties were going crazy when 'dowie' used the word 'urban'.....
Exactly, so we took mod rule and have agreed that it doesn't mean black on OCUK, it just means city dweller. I think that puts OCUK 'centre-right' but not quite as 'right' as GBeebies.
Gammon is no more a derogatory word for white as urban describes black people.

Am i missing something here? You implied in this post that urban isn't a very derogatory term to call black people.

I'm not getting drawn into this one again :cry:

But here is a link to help educate you.

And then post this link that states it is a derogatory term that music industry is trying not to use.

Also from your article
Artists have complained in recent years that the Grammy Awards categories, which include a number that use the term “urban,” are racist and prevent black artists from being considered for bigger categories like Best Album.
Maybe you need to read your own link.

To top it off you didn't actually answer my question. The link you provided is about black musicians unless you believe that all black people are aspiring musicians?
Am i missing something here? You implied in this post that urban isn't a very derogatory term to call black people.

And then post this link that states it is a derogatory term that music industry is trying not to use.

Also from your article

Maybe you need to read your own link.

To top it off you didn't actually answer my question. The link you provided is about black musicians unless you believe that all black people are aspiring musicians?
Like someone who enters into a thing part way through, you are asking all the right questions, just at the wrong time and being sarky to the wrong individual.

Thread here - https://www.overclockers.co.uk/forums/threads/violence-in-selfridges-and-drill-music.18928278/ first sentence first post. Enjoy the best read of your life. It is a bit MI5 like though, as half of my posts were redacted to create a safe space for one of the other posters.
I'm not a leftie either, as I didn't even post in that thread.


I think you know it is generalisation that people on the left find the term derogatory towards black people. Indeed according to one it is basic level 1 dog whistle. Yet gammon is totally fine, an actual insult based on skin colour. It should be anathema to them surely?
I think you know it is generalisation that people on the left find the term derogatory towards black people. Indeed according to one it is basic level 1 dog whistle. Yet gammon is totally fine, an actual insult based on skin colour. It should be anathema to them surely?

As far as I can follow urban wasn't considered to be used in terms of skin colour (per Dowie) and is therefore fine, and gammon wasn't used in terms of skin colour so must be fine as well using the same logic. So.... what's the problem using gammon (or urban)?
Have read the first few pages of this thread.

I tuned in last night and was hit with adverts for ages. Then it was like the whole channel was in HD, but the camera feed of Mr Neil seemed to be in Low Def/Bandwidth.
I think you know it is generalisation that people on the left find the term derogatory towards black people. Indeed according to one it is basic level 1 dog whistle. Yet gammon is totally fine, an actual insult based on skin colour. It should be anathema to them surely?
Man from Hampsire doesn't deem "urban" to refer to black people stabbing each other as typical for them - racist, but does take umbrage at gammon. Who'da thunk it?!
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