Gear Thread - Pics


Here's my poor lonely and well used RBX 170 :D
You're worth killing purely for your amp and steel string acoustic guitar let alone your other gear. Beautiful setup. :cool:

That Cornford must be SO loud that your ears explode just by turning it on. :p
loud but so amazing, especially open air. most smaller venues dont do it justice but have it playing outside or a large venue and its beautiful.
i dont let my students go through the cornford, very tough to run it quiet enough for home use with overdrive kicked in :D

price range for amp simbady?
Top: My lovely old Marshall Master Lead 30 5010, Lindo amplifier (louder than it looks) Boss DS-1 Distortion Pedal and some Curry's headphones.

Bottom:My amazing Sunn Mustang, love that thing to bits.

I also have a Starlite Bass guitar (Don't play Bass and don't know anything about them, this brand any good?) some crappy acoustic, a classical which is storage, another amplifier in storage which I don't know the name of and Stagg Strat copy and a Marshall MG series (forgotten which model) both of which are at my dads house



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