Its just the light, they're all chrome finish. The poker chip was removed for the 2017 models, which I didnt like initially, however I've grown to like it without.
Its just the light, they're all chrome finish. The poker chip was removed for the 2017 models, which I didnt like initially, however I've grown to like it without.
Thanks, the colour is a lot nicer than represented in the manufacturer pictures online. Had the choice of 3, loved this one as was different to the 'stripe-y' tops that are relatively common.
I haven't had chance to play properly for what seems ages (about 4-5 years in reality) and in the time have upped and downsized my gear massively in the past 15 years or so but with a change in work pattern soon i think i will finally be able to get chance to try learn properly.
I have dusted off and restrung my Shamray custom that's nearly 13 years old, picked up a Roland Micro Cube GX, then I went to look at a cheap strat but ended up buying a silver PRS SE locally off gumtree for £150 including a well used Cube 30 that's being sold as i only need a tiny amp (very impressed with the guitar for a budget version)
back of the custom (you don't see many PRS with through neck construction)
i did change the battery yeah, although when wired correctly the pickups don't draw any power as the jack completes the power connection
its Russian based that was a very highly regarded custom shop back when i ordered it, I'm still very happy with it, the bats are a replica of Paul Allender (ex Cradle of Filth) PRS custom long before they did his SE edition of the guitar but with modifications such as an ebony fretboard with an Ibanez Wizard II profile through neck and the obvious EMG pickups... i have been tempted to swap out the EMG's just for something different but never have been able to decide what to get instead.
so i picked up a battered old squire strat off gumtree for £50 a couple of weeks ago and had myself a bit of fun... with what i call "project wife wouldn't let me buy a 7 string!" so instead i have installed the 6 thickest strings on a 7 string set, essentially strung with 13-60's in A standard 7 string tuning minus the high D string
original gumtree post picture (sorry i dont have a better one)
some progress pics spoliered to save space
sanded and initial primer coat
paint coats before clear coat
with flash to show off metallic paint
final guitar picture
only changes were new tuners for £10, fender screws for £4, schaller straplocks to go with all my other guitars and a cheap loaded scratchplate for £12 off amazon warehouse.
total cost including all paint and materials ~£80 plus a load of time spent dressing frets and general setup then maybe £30 on new tools but they will all be getting used again and already have as I've done a fret dressing on my custom too... surprisingly easy if you take your time.
Somehow never managed to see this thread before. No pics for the moment unfortunately as everything is scattered around
Haven't really played my guitars in a long long time but have an Angus Young signature SG (circa 2000 iirc) that's in need of a little bit of love and a proper setup.
Also a Tanglewood acoustic (TW15 iirc) that is a cracking little thing for the money and sees the most use from the two.
Amp wise I have a little Roland 405 that's been a great practice amp over the years but realistically even this is now too loud for my use. Also have a hiwatt g200r head and 4x12 that hasn't seen any use in about 8 years!
Sitting somewhere in the loft are a bunch of pedals that I need to dig out along with one of those little battery powered Marshall micro stacks, which is awful but to be expected really.
Going to sort the SG out and possibly pick up a "proper" micro amp so I can use it a bit more in the short term. Also have an absolute burning desire to own a thinline Tele, seriously not helped by seeing a nice 80's made in Japan example at the weekend for about £600...
So then a month on and a few changes in my setup, i replaced the microcube with a mustang 1 v2 and although i havent got a picture I'm much happier with it (i was happy with the cube but i love to fiddle and the mustang gives me an app to do that with)
Guitar wise i have sold the platinum PRS SE a few posts above as it was just too similar to my custom every time i went to play i grabbed my custom instead and used the funds to purchase a telecaster kit and a super cheap acoustic (by super cheap i mean £15 brand new off ebay (they had the same guitar in a different colour listed for £105 so i think it was a listing error but i thought it was worth a punt and surprisingly it paid off) a bit of fret dressing and a change of nut and saddle and im very happy with it, its stock in the photo though as i have only just changed the parts tonight.
the Telecaster kit was also from ebay for £60 as i just enjoy this sort of thing and was expecting it to need a lot of work, i was very surprised with how nice the neck felt after levelling and dressing the frets, i was expecting a very thick neck but its a nice slim C shape, i didn't want to copy the telecaster headstock so decided on a more strat style but wanted to make it obviously different so went for a hook just so i could have a play with my dremmel really. the body was stained with a couple of coats of an american walnut with heavy sanding before and after each coat and finally finishing with a couple of heavy coats of boiled linseed oil following a few guides off youtube, end result is a very smooth but natural feeling guitar, original plan was for a black on black Tele but with the strat modification i did a solid spray finish i wanted something completely different and i think i got that, hardware wise the only thing i changed was the pickup to a hotrails as i have the lipstick at the neck i prefer the option of a humbucker and if i feel i need to change it i can swap it out or coil tap it at a later date, a lot of reviews slated the tuners but although they are far from great for home playing they are fine.
anyway the pictures (excess spoilered):
initial kit picture (i had already had a play with the headstock and a couple of trial stains on the neck and pickup cavity)
final guitar picture
the final (current) collection with all bottom 3 guitars costing me a total of £125
Interested in a link to the kit, currently considering a squirt vintage 72 thinline as they're so (relatively) cheap but I could be really tempted to try some sort of DIY build given the cost.
Interested in a link to the kit, currently considering a squirt vintage 72 thinline as they're so (relatively) cheap but I could be really tempted to try some sort of DIY build given the cost.
its not as simple as screw together and play though, the frets needed a decent amount of time and the neck needed a shim making to get the angle to my liking (some of the predrilled holes were off too such as the pickguard and bridge don't match up fully but i sort of like it). i really enjoyed the build though and it does make the guitar feel very personal, I'd highly recommend it if you have the patience and time to put into it, mine was a bit of a rush job (and i still need to adjust the action at the nut) but i will eventually go back again and replace more hardware and such but im still very happy with the current end result
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