Rincewind said:i'm a swish geekish greebo lol, and i don't have a HDD dedicated to porn, mainly because .:MBK:. backed up my HDD for me, so it'll be on his PC somewhere lol. umm, if your name is spend_day click C:/program files/xerox/nwwia if your name is iBear, go to D:/porn as i remember... just turn .:MBK:.'s PC on. lol, being a greebo isn't cool, whereas being a geek, isn't, just geeks have more money. and knowing that Nanny's cat is called greebo isn't a problem at all. knowing that tiffany aching gives Granny a kitten in wintersmith, coming in october, is however.
that's my 2 altarian dollars
I think that post just lowered my IQ