Geek or Nerd?

Tru said:
People with specs of their 'rigs' in their sig are nerds, the rest of you are geeks.

that cant be true- i have a girlfriend who i live with, plenty of friends, and talk about all sorts, im clean, gym going, non spotty...

i keep my rig specs in my sig cos its easier than typing them out whenever i have a hardware query...

but does knowing thedifference between geek and nerd automatically make you a nerd?

L337 LooX said:
oops soz (first forum post ever!!!!) :)

should work now?

Fine now :)

Edit: The "Wear glasses"
"That you have repaired yourself" question

Is not fair! I broke them playing rugby and had to replace a screw :(
Last edited:

-Laser- said:
and also people who use numbers and/or punctuation instead of letters in their names? or who have those lame hyphen/dashes either side of their names? ;)

No, they're just annoying :p.

I definately prefer being called a geek, and MMOs now really are about the same as CS was a few years ago, not just full of nerds.
This reminds me of the Triumph the dog sketch.
Geeks (the Star Wars fans in the analogy) seem to think that they are cool and superior and that the rest of the world accepts them and their strange dressing up as jedi ways. Nerds (Star Trek fans in the analogy) are fully aware that the rest of the world think of them as a bunch of losers, but they don't care, and do not fool themselves in to believing that there actions are accepted by the rest of the world.

Geeks and Nerds are both sad in their own ways, but only Nerds are able to accept it, Geeks are in denial.

And shame on you all. You're all posting on a forum that is primarily for people who overclock PCs. You're either a nerd, or a nerd lover. :D
Visage said:
Geeks ove technology, but can live without it. Nerds cant.

Geeks get excited flashy gadgets. Nerds get excited by XML.

Geeks have a social life. Nerds have MMORPGs

Geeks have girlfriends. Nerds have a seperate hard drive devoted to porn.

There IS a difference.
Hmm I guess I'm a geek. Although not sure on the last point. I don't have a seperate drive for porn, I keep it on my linux disk. Does that count?

But anyway these days no people really use geek in a derogatory way. It's generally used in a jokey way or sometimes even as a positive thing. I don't think I've heard anyone use the word nerd in years.
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