Poll: General election voting poll round 3

Voting intentions in the General Election?

  • Alliance Party of Northern Ireland

    Votes: 2 0.3%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 286 40.5%
  • Democratic Unionist Party

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Green Party

    Votes: 56 7.9%
  • Labour

    Votes: 122 17.3%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 33 4.7%
  • Not voting/will spoil ballot

    Votes: 38 5.4%
  • Other party (not named)

    Votes: 4 0.6%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 5 0.7%
  • Respect Party

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Scottish National Party

    Votes: 29 4.1%
  • Social Democratic and Labour Party

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sinn Fein

    Votes: 3 0.4%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 129 18.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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10 Sep 2008
The Harriers weren't scrapped. The entire fleet of 74 aircraft had recently been upgraded to the latest spec (GR7?) and then sold to the US Navy for less than 1 F-35B will cost.

Yeah fair point I should have said removed from service with no direct replacement. removing V/STOL capability from our services.

edit: think you are wrong about the costings though.
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2 Dec 2005
I don't know how anyone in their right mind could vote for Labour...

They'd get almost every seat in Parliament if people were in their right mind!

It will be interesting to see the extent to which people end up voting for personalities and tribal reasons.


Current "Vote for Policies" results (350,000 results):


(Sorry for big quote but it's such a striking figure)
26 May 2009
It worries me to think that there is a possibility that Ed Miliband could be our prime minister in a few months :(

Me too, the idea that this country could sleepwalk into electing our very own G W Bush grade imbecile is downright scary :( (I know most people think Cameron is an idiot, but he is still seen as a "proper" leader by the rest of the world, having Miliband as our PM will make us a laughing stock).
26 May 2009
(Sorry for big quote but it's such a striking figure)

It really really isn't, people are voting for policies without knowing which party is behind them, Like I said before when asked to vote blindly for policies almost all of England and most most of Wales ended up voting for the "give us free stuff and make others pay for it" party, half of Scotland voted for the "Freeeeeeeeeedom!" party and a bunch of counties voted for the "save the trees, live in a tent" party.

It doesn't matter if somebody is a Tory or Labour voter, if you give them the option of blindly picking an option then the majority of them will pick the one that benefits them the most, even at the detriment of others and the country, as evidenced by that image.
22 Sep 2011
Portsmouth (Southsea)
when asked to vote blindly for policies almost all of England and most most of Wales ended up voting for the "give us free stuff and make others pay for it" party, half of Scotland voted for the "Freeeeeeeeeedom!" party and a bunch of counties voted for the "save the trees, live in a tent" party.

It doesn't matter if somebody is a Tory or Labour voter, if you give them the option of blindly picking an option then the majority of them will pick the one that benefits them the most, even at the detriment of others and the country, as evidenced by that image.
Nice unfounded assertion you have there.

It can't be that a significant portion of voters don't really know who they are voting for (when the ignorance the public on specific policies is already a known factor from numerous other studies).
2 Dec 2005
It doesn't matter if somebody is a Tory or Labour voter, if you give them the option of blindly picking an option then the majority of them will pick the one that benefits them the most, even at the detriment of others and the country, as evidenced by that image.

So you're saying people vote Labour self-interestedly and Conservative for the common good??? :confused: That's the most backward thing I've ever read! :D

I think the reason Labour and the Greens get nearly every seat in that figure is because most people are intrinsically cooperative and believe in looking out for each other. It's all the other stuff - historical voting trends, leader's image, "marketing", even the names of the parties - that distorts this and makes people vote contrary to their true beliefs.

Most people I spoke to in 2010 who voted Conservative said "for a change". That's the crappest reason of all.
9 Aug 2013
Me too, the idea that this country could sleepwalk into electing our very own G W Bush grade imbecile is downright scary :( (I know most people think Cameron is an idiot, but he is still seen as a "proper" leader by the rest of the world, having Miliband as our PM will make us a laughing stock).

He's a laughing stock in this country, I have no idea why labour hasnt axed him already. Not that I care as I vote conservative regardless.
26 May 2009
So you're saying people vote Labour self-interestedly and Conservative for the common good??? :confused:

Nope, that's nothing like what I said.

I said that most people blindly vote Labour policy self-interestedly (that's nothing like actually voting Labour), some blindly vote Green policy for the common good and a lot in Scotland blindly vote SNP policy because they want independence (though they can probably tell whose policy that is).

The reason most vote Labour policies for self-interest when blindfolded is because Labour's policies are (on paper) in the interest of most people. The fact that their policies are usually detrimental to the country and therefore not really in most peoples interests (I.E the non-dom debacle) is something that is not apparent when making the choice blindfolded.

That's the most backward thing I've ever read! :D

Well, you only have your own misinterpretation to blame I guess.
26 May 2009
He's a laughing stock in this country, I have no idea why labour hasnt axed him already. Not that I care as I vote conservative regardless.

The funny thing is, that when the Tories realised what a **** up IDS was they deposed him as leader without letting him stand in a single general election, the fact Labour didn't have the balls to do the same with Miliband should be quite worrying to a voter, if they can't sort their own party out what chance do they have with something like the NHS lol.
22 Jun 2004
Deep England
He's a laughing stock in this country, I have no idea why labour hasnt axed him already. Not that I care as I vote conservative regardless.

Please explain why he's a laugh stock? Bacon sandwich? Looks like a cartoon character? Voice a bit nasaly due to a medical condition? Stabbed his brother in the back?

People underestimate Ed Milliband at their peril, I bet a few Tories are regretting their personal attacks on him now.
18 Feb 2006
It will be interesting to see the extent to which people end up voting for personalities and tribal reasons.


Current "Vote for Policies" results (350,000 results):


Does anyone remember the interview where Natalie Bennett said the country would vote for Greens if they voted for policies? The only artical I can find on it is from the cough Metro... http://metro.co.uk/2015/01/23/green...as-only-voted-for-on-policies-survey-5033115/ Makes me wonder if they had rigged it by getting their members to vote for their policies on there?
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