Generic Stronglifts + some running

Another session done

Squats, 2x5 20kg, 1x5 30kg, 1x5 40kg, 5x5 50kg
OHP, 2x5 20kg, 5x5 32.5kg
Deadlift, 1x5 50kg, 1x5 60kg 1x5 70kg, 1x5 75kg
32kg Assisted chin ups, 5x5. Time to drop weight down one notch.

Cycle 5km, 9:32 mins

First 3 sets of OHP were a real struggle, then for some reason the last 2 went up easily.
My slim fit jeans are now skin tight around my thighs. Wasn't expecting that to happen o quickly!

It's one of the problems of lifting: having to buy stuff in the "non-standard" section of shops... which - generally - doesn't exist. :(

More amusingly, however, is it gives you a very solid idea of how much more awesome than the general population you actually are. :D

It's one of the problems of lifting: having to buy stuff in the "non-standard" section of shops... which - generally - doesn't exist. :(

More amusingly, however, is it gives you a very solid idea of how much more awesome than the general population you actually are. :D

O god I hate shopping as it is, this will be fun!

Another run today, 2.38km 11.34mins. Found a nice lap with a steep hill so my aim is to get 3 laps in under 10 mins in the coming weeks. Should be doable
Still all going well, added tricep dips in today.

Squats, 2x5 20kg, 1x5 30kg, 1x5 40kg, 5x5 52.5kg
Bench Press, 2x5 20kg, 1x5 30kg, 1x5 40kg, 5x5 52.5kg
BOR, 2x5 30kg, 1x5 40kg, 5x5 47.5kg
Tricep dips, 5/5/5/2/2

Cycle, 5km 9:28mins
Pathetic attempt at a run today. Managed 3 laps in 11:23, felt completely drained after a few hundred metres.
Today went well, concentrating on keeping my abs and glutes tight on OHP made it a bit easier!

Squats, 2x5 20kg, 1x5 30kg, 1x5 40kg, 1x5 50kg, 5x5 55kg
Deadlifts, 1x5 60kg, 1x5 70kg, 1x5 80kg
OHP, 2x5 20kg, 1x5 30kg, 5x5 35kg
27kg assisted chin ups, 5/5/5/5/3
Everything was a struggle today, hopefully just an off day

Squats, 2x5 20kg, 1x5 40kg, 1x5, 50kg, 5x5 57.5kg
Bench Press, 2x5 20kg, 1x5 40kg, 1x5 50kg, 5x5 55kg
BOR, 2x5 30kg, 1x5 40kg, 5x5 50kg
Tripcep dips, 5/5/5/5/4
Felt a lot better today

Deadlifts, 1x5 60kg, 1x5 70kg, 1x5 85kg
Squats, 2x5 20kg, 1x5 40kg, 1x5, 50kg, 5x5 60kg
OHP, 2x5 20kg, 1x5 30kg, 5x5 37.5kg
Chins ups, 1x3

Decided to dump the assisted chin ups. Unfortunately the only bar free to do them today had a plastic grip that kept rotating, didnt have time to wait so had to call it a day.
Bit of a longer run today, end up above 5min/km which im not pleased about but its a start! Short fast one next then push onto a 5k, its about time i forced myself to do one!

4.34km, 23:02mins
Going well still, realised my grip was a bit wide on bench press so fixed that. Can feel it working chest more now.

Squats, 2x5 20kg, 1x5 40kg, 1x5 50kg, 5x5 62.5kg
Bench, 2x5 20kg, 1x5 30 kg, 1x5 50kg, 5x5 57.5kg
BOR, 2x5 30kg, 1x5 40kg, 5x5 52.5kg
Tricep dips, 9/7/7 , Switched this to 3xf will do the same with chins
I have no idea how i keep managing OHP, on the verge of failing everytime. Last rep was a bit sloppy form wise, was a real struggle to get last inch to lock my arms! Few tweaks on my deadlift form made it a lot easier. Really feeling the squats now going to start becoming a problem soon!

Squats, 2x5 20kg, 1x5 40kg, 1x5 50kg, 5x5 65kg
OHP, 2x5 20kg, 1x5 30kg, 5x5 40kg
Deadlifts, 1x5 60kg, 1x5 70kg, 1x5 80kg, 1x5 90kg
Chin ups, 3/3/2
Run today, runkeeper did something funny near the end. Has the run logged as:

2.63km in 12:41mins, which is correct, it then cut out and logged the last bit as:

0.56km in 1:49, which im really not convinced is right seems far to fast!
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