Generic Stronglifts + some running

Well i seem to be sticking to HIIT so thats good

4 min warm-up
1.5 min run / 1min walk x 9
7 min cool down

5.04km in 31:58 mins
So i was definitely letting my ego get in the way on squats, i keep wanting to lean forward to make it easier when i get tired, got 5x5 with good form though just took a lot more effort! OHP i knew was going to happen from the warm up, surprised i managed what i did!

Deadlifts, 1x5 60kg, 1x5 80kg, 1x5 100kg, 1x5 115kg
Squats, 2x5 20kg, 1x5 40kg, 1x5 60kg, 5x5 80kg
OHP, 2x5 20kg, 1x5 30kg, 1x3 40kg, 5/5/5/3/4 45kg
Pull ups, 2/2/1, no improvement at all with these :/
Dead hangs, 63secs / 46 secs/ 35 secs
Tricep Pushdowns, 8/8/5 32kg
Squats feel so much better now

Squats, 2x5 20kg, 1x5 40kg, 1x5 60kg, 5x5 82.5kg
Bench, 2x5 20kg, 1x5 40kg, 1x3 60kg, 5x5 70kg
BOR, 2x5 30kg, 1x5 40kg, 5x5 50kg
Ez Bar curls, 3x8 27.5kg
Lat pulldowns, 3x8 52kg
Tricep Dips, 10/10/8, completely that last set is so close!
I've had pretty much permanent calf DOMS all week, today has just pushed them too far, can barely walk now.

Beep test - 8.2
3 min warm-up
2 min run / 30 sec walk x 9
7 min cool down

5.14km in 31:42 mins

Disappointed my intervals where slower today but understandable having done the beep test before and the amount of soreness in my calfs
Pretty successful today, OHP went up easily this time.

Squats, 2x5 20kg, 1x5 40kg, 1x5 60kg, 1x3 80kg, 5x5 85kg
OHP, 2x5 20kg, 1x5 30kg, 1x3 40kg, 5x5 45kg
Deadlifts, 1x5 60kg, 1x5 80kg, 1x3 100kg, 1x3 110kg, 1x5 120kg
Tricep Pushdowns, 8/8/8 32kg
Chin ups, 3/2/2, just cant do them for whatever reason!
3 min warm-up
1 min run / 1min walk x 6
6 min cool down

3.16km in 20:33 mins

Shins are hurting after this one, think its the increase in intensity of the runs
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Busy day yesterday so didnt get to the gym until late. Lost concentration on my last set of bench and relaxed my lats so end up pinned under the bar. On the plus side roll of shame is nice and easy.

ez bar curls, 8/8/7 30kg
Squats, 2x5 20kg, 1x5 40kg, 1x5 60kg, 1x3 80kg, 5x5 87.5kg
Bench, 2x5 20g, 1x5 35kg, 1x5 60kg, 5/5/5/4/2 72.5kg
BOR, 2x5 30kg, 5x5 52.2kg
Good work on roll of shame! Nice to hear it wasn't too painful!

Wasn't painful at all!

HIIT again today

3 min warm-up
1 min run / 1min walk x 8
5 min cool down

3.63km in 24:03 mins

Intervals were faster this time but shins are paying the price now
I am pretty much at my limit now for the big lifts. Deadlifts completely drained me

Squat, 2x5 20kg, 1x5 40kg, 1x5 60kg, 1x3 80kg, 5x5 90kg
OHP, 2x5 20kg, 1x5 30kg, 1x3 40kg, 5x5 47.5kg
Deadlifts, 1x5 70kg, 1x5 80kg, 1x5 90kg, 1x3 110kg, 1x5 125kg
Pull ups, 2/1/1
Dead hangs, 50 secs / 28 secs / 27 secs
Tricep Pushdowns 8/8/6 34.3kg
Hammer curls 3x8 14kg
Was visiting girlfriend for the weekend so no training on Saturday or yesterday. Really struggling to motivate myself to go out today. Amazing how drained i feel, which i presume is because my diet was shocking over the last few days!
Well just did some HIIT, felt awful the whole time and just not mentally with it. Surprisingly though my intervals where faster than last time considerably! Though i basically just walked my whole warm down

3 min warm-up
1 min run / 1min walk x 10
6 min cool down

4.39km in 29:12 mins
Well that was a disappointing session, failed at squats and bench again. Squats were a real struggle from the very first rep. Bench seemed to be going really well then i just hit a wall.

Squats, 2x5 20kg, 1x5 40kg, 1x5 60kg, 1x3 80kg, 5/5/5/5/3 92.5kg
ez bar curls, 3x8 30kg
BOR, 2x5 30kg, 1x5 45kg, 5x5 55kg
Bench, 2x5 20kg, 1x5 40kg, 1x5 60kg, 5/5/5/3/4 72.5kg
Lat pulldowns, 3x8 52kg
Dips, 10/10/6

I think my ambitious goal of a 300kg total for reps is out the window now, only 4 more sessions until 4th April and im sitting at 285kg. Don't think i can squeeze that 15kg out in time!
The up in speed today was brutal, not going to enjoy the next few weeks at all!

3 min warm-up
30 sec run / 30 sec walk x 10
6 min cool down

3.02km in 19:05 mins
Missed SL yesterday because i had a 12 hour day painting the hull of a yacht. Just bleep test today, my shins are giving me real problems with running so trying to take it a bit easier.

8.10 on the test, slowly getting closer to that 10.2
That was really tough, was physically and mentally exhausted after squats and OHP. Not sure how i managed to go on to deadlifts, was slow close to completing them, tried my first rep overhand grip and just couldn't quite lock out. Managed 4 alternate but 5th wouldnt budge.

Squats, 2x5 20kg, 1x5 40kg, 1x5 60kg, 1x3 80kg, 5x5 92.5kg
OHP, 2x5 20kg, 1x5 30kg, 1x3 40kg, 4/4/4/2/3 50kg
Deadlifts, 1x5 60kg, 1x5 70kg, 1x3 90kg, 1x3 110kg, 1x4 127.5kg
Chin ups, 4/3/3
Dead hangs, 42 secs, 23 secs, 22 secs, grip was completely gone!
Tricep pushdowns, 8/8/3 34.3kg
3 min warm-up
30 sec run / 30 sec walk x 14
6 min cool down

3.71km in 23:00 mins

Then 80 mins of squash after, my legs don't like me at the minute
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