
Originally posted by burns
Hurrah! I have it booting with no error messages now, now to setup networking and check it is actually working...
Cheers for all your help and sticking with this through my dumb mistakes:o

//edit -bash: net-setup: command not found

do it manually.

1. net-setup suxors
2. i think its just a script which is just on the liveCD
Originally posted by burns
cannot stat kernel-2.6.7-gentoo-r11 : No such file or directory
The same if I add /boot to the begining.
Should I have mounted hda1 to /boot after chrooting or somthing? It was the first thing I did once the live CD booted.
ok theres two linux environments (thus to /etc folder, two /tmp and so on). The first linux environment belongs to the livecd and is what you see when you first bootup. The way gentoo is installed is you use the livecd environment to create your own gentoo install and your gentoo install is built in /mnt/gentoo. The reason why it's done this way is because you need at least some basic linux command to start creating your own gentoo from scratch. Your custom rolled gentoo in /mnt/gentoo is the second linux environment. In the documentation everything before the 'chroot' line you will be accessing the livecd. When you 'chroot' something you jail yourself into that directory. Example at the beginning you have
/mnt ----- gentoo [color=deeppink]-----[/color]
/opt                   [color=deeppink]\[/color]
/proc                   [color=deeppink]/bin[/color]
/sbin                   [color=yellow]/boot[/color]
/tmp                    [color=deeppink]/dev[/color]
/var                    [color=deeppink]/etc[/color]
Thw white half being the livecd the pink half being on /dev/hda3 and the yellow part being on /dev/hda1. Now when you chroot something say with the command 'chroot /mnt/gentoo /bin/bash' you jail yourself to the pink side for the tree therefore / will be the gentoo directory and thus you annot access the white half which is the livecd (whilst before the chroot it used to be / and the livecd half could be accessable).

Now whenever you want to build a kernel, run lilo or grub, or run emerge you must be chrooted in the pink half. There are somethings that do not require you to chroot into the pink half such as just accessing file. I think this is whats confusing you the two environments and where you are in it. I hope it kind of clear things up.
ok, I did it using this syntax
# ifconfig eth0 broadcast netmask up
# route add default gw

then put "nameserver" in the resolve.conf and it still won't let me ping the network.
Originally posted by burns
Hurrah! I have it booting with no error messages now, now to setup networking and check it is actually working...
Cheers for all your help and sticking with this through my dumb mistakes:o

//edit -bash: net-setup: command not found
Net-setup is a script purly on the livecd. Network setup is done by entering your details to /etc/conf.d/net as described in the handbook here so that you won't need to setup your network everytime you reboot.
Originally posted by burns
ok, I did it using this syntax
# ifconfig eth0 broadcast netmask up
# route add default gw

then put "nameserver" in the resolve.conf and it still won't let me ping the network.
Edit the file /etc/conf.d/net

near the top should be a line that starts with iface_eth0 make sure edit the details to this:
iface_eth0=" broadcast netmask"
At the bottom of the file theres a gateway section change it to this
make a backup for you file before making any changes!!!
It was already like that M.E, I'm thinking form either stage 8 of the hanbook or what I just did using ifconfig. When I try and ping the computer my linux box is connected to, it does recieve packets but doesn't ping back:confused:.
It's backing up now:). Now I just need to start sticking all my stuff on there, I'm not sure whether to bother with KDE the only thing I'd want it for is the GIMP, and I'm not sure if that'd run to well on my system...

Can I suggest this thread gets archived? There must be a lot of stuff in here furure gentoo noobs would find useful, as long as it doensn't scare them off:).
You'll need a lightweight window manager.

Minimilist: Pekwm, Fluxbox (or any blackbox spinoff)
Semi-Minimilist: Windowmaker, Enlightenment
Semi-Full: XFCE4
Full Bloat: KDE / Gnome

Take a look in /usr/portage/x11-wm for a list of window managers avaliable in portage and look them up on the net to see which you like :)
i wondered what had happened to you acctually. i was looking at the thread starter and wondering where you had got to. hopefully it will be reletively painless with all the info in this thread.

If youve not started yet, then can you please keep a short diary or journal on the install? see the thread in the forum for why.

Originally posted by riven
Deadly Ferret, you need to emerge gdm off of the cd seperately.

i just checked it out.

then it should work.

It doesn't appear to be on either CD. I've tried running the command with each CD in the tray, and both times it came up with messages about not being able to download it from various http locations such as Soulforge.

Is there anything more specific I need to do beyond mounting the CD then emerge gdm? :)
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