get a free contract!

Keep ** number and get 217txts and 43 mins? Sounds fine to me. I'm used to deleting unwanted messages - my letting agency wont stop sending me them.
I've signed up.

Want a new number anyway, I use around 100 texts and 10minutes a month so this suites me. Advertising messages dosen't really bother me.

Ordered a clip also, so it's not been totally free. (Around £10) but never mind!
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One of the many wounders of a Samsung phone. Just unlocks it, but no battery, PC, cable anything needed. Just slots in the phone (headphone/usb port). And does it's magic in a couple of seconds. They're literally the size of the port on the side of the phone. And can be used as many times as you like. Also works for a range of samsung phones, not just mine. Handy bit of kit to have!

One of the (very) few reasons I got my samsung and ditched my old k800i. (Oh how I miss it :()
Not sure, depends if they use an orange sim on the orange network or if they use their own network and piggy back off orange (if its the latter than the phone will need to be unlocked)

The easiest way to tell is see what the phone says on the screen where the network name is displayed (cough hint hint people who use this service already) If it says Orange your in the clear yantorsen. However I highly doubt it does :( In which case you will need to unlock. Which is gonna cost £10-20 for your phone.

You can pickup unlock codes for the ST55 and ST60's Siemens phones for free but I can't seem to find owt for the CX series :( Sorry


thanks for the info alllec.

do you mean on the main screen? cuz it just says orange on that?

edit: on the network info bit it says Orange UK
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thanks for the info alllec.

do you mean on the main screen? cuz it just says orange on that?

edit: on the network info bit it says Orange UK

Yeah on the main screen, but I'm not talking about your phone. Im talking about someone who is already using one of these sims. It is VERY unlikley they will show up as orange. These people have probably setup their own network (so they can distrubute these free texts and minutes for cheaper). In which case you will need to unlock your phone.
No worries buddy, Local market is a good place to look for getting your phone unlocked. Just don't let them say "oh it'll take an hour come back latter" rubbish. Cos it takes 30-60 seconds tops :)

Well pleased with this to be honest, I will rarely need to top up. That's £10 a month I don't have to waste or something I don't really appreciate!
yeah, theres a shop down the road that does it for a fiver so i'll go there probly.

im still waiting for my sim to arrive though, it **** have come by now.
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